In Defence of Mark Rober's "The Truth About my Son" autism video! Re: paige layle & Chloé Hayden! Color the spectrum!

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In Defence of Mark Rober's "The Truth About my Son" video. Re: paige layle & Chloé Hayden

2 April 2022 5:21pm

I think one of the pros of my thoughts on it was actually that I am undecided on a range of Autism issues, and I realize that this was not so much about me holding the perfect view of every autism issue, but more coming up with thoughts along the way which hopefully help us move closer to the truth. Some of what I said will be wrong, but at least it’s a start, at least I’m thinking, it’s a foundation, and where I’m wrong we can figure out why and try to learn from the incorrect logic I used and make sure not to repeat it. Getting to the perfect view on a subject takes a lot of thought and time, we may never reach perfection on every issue concerning Autism, but we can at least try to get as far as we get in the progression of thought regarding it.

3:06am 4 April 2022
There is so much I could write about this video, I love doing long descriptions, detailing at length information about the video, like it’s backgrounding and making. I’ll start with the basic, and can always add in more later, although when I say that, I very rarely do add stuff in later, partly because I get busy with new projects and partly because I forget stuff fast. But I’m glad I made this video, it at least touches on many different Autism related issues that I’ve at least thought about to some extent, and stitches them together in a story mode. It captures my thoughts on Autism as at 1 April 2022, and where I am at in terms of my thinking (thinking progression) in terms of some of these ideas. I am still very unsure on a lot of issues. But in this video I touch on most of them, so upon rewatching in the future it would retrigger the thought pattern of where I am at with my thinking on those issues and additional things that I was going to say but forgot to say. There was already something I thought of writing about yesterday but forgot what it was, that I would have included it in the description.

This video doesn’t really go into much detail with my experience with Autism or various struggles I have with it. My video back in April 2020 talks a bit about that, as at this time, I had not thought much about Autism.
“SuperSight” video, “I have Autism”.
Streamed live on Apr 24, 2020

I am pessimistic about high levels of genuine autism acceptance being achieved. I just don’t see it happening. Here is an extract I from what I wrote (not publicly) on 9 Aug 2020.
“I think ultimately the whole "Treating Autisic people with acceptance" is part of a far bigger question. I think we have hit an unbreakable wall in terms of social progress. Sexism, Racism, etc were eventually going to come down (due to Judeo-Christian values), the beliefs were so stupid they didn't last. Although I think I'm oversimplifying it. To be not racist is not the same as regularly interacting with blacks. So to simply accept a belief that racism was stupid, is a much easier step, than if they'd had to go from being racist, to inter-racial marraiage. Blacks and whites are the same, simply color is different. For a white kid to play with a black kid, they simply have to get rid of the racist belief (or not have), and then it works, the black kid is the same as the white kid (and vice versa)

But autism is different. It deeply affects patterns of thinking and behaviour. It totally changes things. It means that people can't simply get rid of an "Anti-Autistic" belief. They have to actually change how they speak and act (although interacting with other races does require that if you go to live in a different culture, but most people don't do that. And the USA has a great culture of assimilating immigrants, to make it easier for both current Americans, and the immigrants. That is a far greater demand to change how you act and speak. And for most people, the demand is too much. It is of cost for an individual to interact with someone with Autism. Arguably the benefits of people with Autism being accepted into society are high, and probably for the individual the process of learning to accept another would be beneficial to them (the benefits outweigh the costs), but they wouldn't see it that way. It would be easy for [people] to hold the view "It would be better for myself and society if people with Autism were better accepted and integrated, but it will be of great cost to me, to spend a few hours each week hanging out with someone with Autism, I hope that other members of society go through the painstaking process of slowly integrated them by befriending them". They (and I) use the same line of reason for why I don't research how to cure cancer or learn about how to fix a broken arm in case I get one. Yes it would be better (for me and society) if I knew how to fix a broken arm in case I got one, but taking the time to learn that would be of great cost to me. I'll just hope that experts (which will be due to monetary incentive) learn that for me. There is not time in life to learn everything important, we rely on other people doing huge amounts of the weight lifting for us. People don't see it worth their time to spend huge amount of hours researching [some stuff], they rely on [others] to give them that information in a short amount of time.”

Probably due to this pessimism, I have far lower expectations for society, and what I think that people with Autism can realistically expect to see in terms of change of societies actions/views of us. I’ll take the little wins where we can, but I don’t expect anything major to change. I’ll hope for it, I’ll be open for it, I won’t do things to stop big good change happening, I’ll actively support it, but based on my observations of society with how the change regarding other issues and the thousands of interactions I’ve had with people with people over my life time (school, church, shopping, camps, hobbies/weekly groups), I am very sceptical that we can expect much to significantly change in people being accepting of those with Autism. There are absolutely amazing people out there that really do really accept people with Autism, but they are a very small minority from what I’ve found.

A few links:
paige layle video, “autistic's reaction to mark rober's video”.
134K subscribers
Jun 5, 2021

69.2K subscribers

Apr 20, 2021

For this video (my video) I considered doing heavy sourcing as to what articles or videos many of my statements come from. It would take ages to listen through the whole thing and get all the links, especially since likely hardly anyone will watch this video. Some of the thoughts are just my views, or statements that people in person have told me. This video is meant to be a collection of relevant facts that relate to each other, for this video, concerning Autism issues.

I have many quotes that I like, many many quotes, but I think a few that are relevant here are “The Best is the enemy of the better”. I think that is part of what separates paige and I on the issue of autism acceptance (and if the video increases autism acceptance or not), I think that she is a purist (One who practices or urges strict correctness, especially in the use of words) and I am not. Also I likely get significantly less offended at most things in life than she does, I find a things a lot more funny than many people, I think Jeremy Clarkson is a lad As the quote goes “You find it offensive, I find it funny. That’s why I’m happier than you.” – Ricky Gervais. Regarding the Mark Rober video, paige sees the imperfectness of the language used in it, I see the good it does for virally portraying people with Autism in a good light. Plus I don’t see the language used as a problem. We differ on if the video portrays people with Autism in a good light, I believe it does, she believes it doesn’t. I believe the video does good, she doesn’t. I am highlighting where we differ.

I think being in the undecided position I am on many Autism issues actually is a fair/good position considering that I haven’t fully thought through it, being in this undecided place allows me to view both sides (or the main various viewpoints) easily and to hear them both out, listening, ready to be convinced either way. And even on the issue of Mark Robers video where I believe it does good, I’m still willing to hear out paige, chole and others, and even agree with them or concede to them on certain points that they convinced me of regarding Autism issues.

I’m on a mission, not at a destination.

This constant focus on real & perceived discrimination and oppression of Autistic people, above all other focuses, I don’t think is healthy. It leads to Autistic people developing a victimhood mentality & ingratitude. This Anti-Neurotypical (non-Autistic/Normal people) attitude that I notice growing among people with Autism is a bad thing. Just like Anti-white people, anti-black people, anti-men, antisemitic views followed by actions, are bad. It won’t lead to good, it will just harm us. I fear that we are becoming just another intersectionality minority group who will bring destruction on ourselves. Hating non-Autistic people (even Anti-Autistic people) for not accepting us, won’t help, just like hating racists won’t make them not be racist. Daryl Davis understands that, and actually went about it a very productive way, and achieved good (, I have great respect for what he did. Spouting hate on Twitter against those we disagree with or that don’t accept us, will not fix the problem, will not help the problem, it will make it worse. That all said, I’ve never actually met a single person that said that they actually hate Autism. And not caring about people with Autism is not the same as hating them. I think most of the unacceptance of Autism comes out of people just not liking/accepting/condoning difference, it’s not Autism specific dislike, they are just not willing to try to befriend people who are too different than them

If we want to make people accept us more, we can’t assume/say that there is nothing we can do to make things work better. Nor does being against non-Autistic people fix the situation. It’s not an easy situation, and I am pessimistic that it can be fixed. Will the majority of society (or the Twitter mob) even truly accept us, probably not, but we can change the things we can, as the prayer goes “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” Regardless of what society does, we can still try to find other people who do accept us, who do understand us (Autistic or not) and network with those groups those clusters of people to create something wonderful, and for those in mainstream society who do want to come along for the ride, welcome abord. 😊

I could keep writing, but that will do. :)
- 4:41am NZST 4 April 2022 (I did other stuff in between writing).


For most the links below I am selecting the top website that appears when I put the search term into DuckDuckGo (a site like Google), but this means that the articles will sometimes be in favor of against a certain thing (eg, opinion) that I've mentioned. I'm simply sourcing so that you can see that I'm not making stuff up, and you can see actual links/sources to what I'm talking about, the links I put are rank 1st on DuckDuckGo, so not necessarily impartial (some of them are not impartial and some I don't even agree with nor think they are fair articles, but because the ranked 1st on DuckDuckGo I put them, as I am assuming that you're a person who if you're gonna take the time to look through the sources, will do you're research and not be swayed by a misleading article). If I am referring to a specific article or idea, the source will be that article/video where the idea came from.

0:00 Welcome
0:10 "The Truth About my Son" 25,358,523 views Apr 17, 2021 (
0:29 (Autism Awareness Month)
0:39 ("I have Autism") 1,208 views Streamed live on Apr 24, 2020
1:10 (paige layle)
1:13 (
Chloé Hayden)
1:31 (video 1) 67,491 views Apr 20, 2021 & (video 2) 249,196 views Jun 5, 2021
1:59 (Autism factions)
2:12 ("autism and intersectionality" is an autofill Google search term as at 4 April 2022) (autism and intersectionality)
2:42 (use of "high functioning")
2:46 (terms like "with Autism or has autism")
4:41 ("dr asperger")
5:14 "Color the Spectrum LIVE- Mark Rober and Jimmy Kimmel" 5,801,599 views Streamed live on May 1, 2021
6:26 ("color the spectrum cancelled")
6:33 ("next for autism autism speaks")
6:39 ("autism speaks hate group")
7:19 (Couldn't find d'amelio's posting about pulling out. Although here is Rhett & Link pulling out
8:19 (I think I was wrong on this one, I couldn't find any Mark Rober's statements saying that)
9:37 (In all caps: "We do not need your voices...", "Injest media by actually autistic humans, not allistic run organizations")

Took me quite a while to source the first 10min of the video, these are the sources throughout my opinion on the topic. It's now 5:52am. I'll leave it at that. I hope you enjoy the video.

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