Speak about it - The Vaccine Damages

2 years ago

Despite 30 years of debate, Swedish authorities continued to deny the risks of amalgam, which was discreetly phased out. It took 40 years for the authorities to stop denying the risks of smoking. Another protracted scandal is the vaccines and never before have so many been injured as by the experimental mRNA injections.

More: https://newsvoice.se/2022/04/talaomdet-vaccinskador/

Once again, the risks of a fact-resistant establishment are denied, but the "Talk about it" campaign wants to awaken society.

Amalgam poisoning in the world was called the biggest poisoning scandal in modern times, but it is overshadowed by the damage from mRNA vaccines, according to the group that runs the "Talk about it" campaign (#talaomdet).

Far too many have suffered serious side effects after being injected with so-called Covid-19 vaccines. The injured need help.

The #talaomdet campaign collaborates with many organizations, doctors, lawyers and also concerned people - internationally. Testimonies are collected through interviews and the project helps people to dare to come forward and tell their stories about the vaccine injuries.

The project also helps the victims with support, pepper, tips and information and works in a broad vaccine perspective linked to the work environment at workplaces, relatives of victims and schools and children.

The requirement is that everyone who has been injured by the injections should receive the help they need and reasonable compensation for their injuries. Those responsible must be held accountable and mass vaccination against Covid-19 must be stopped immediately.

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