Mistakes Women Make When A Man Pulls Away - Why He Left!

2 years ago

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5 Mistakes Women Make That Make Men Pull Away
By: Carlos Cavallo

As someone who's been in plenty of relationships, I know what it's like to experience the special kind of rush when a new person comes along.

Back then, working up the nerve to talk to a woman was already enough of a hurdle for me. So imagine how pumped I was from actually hitting it off with her and making a solid connection.

To be honest, it felt like winning the lottery and I'd tell my buddies all about it over a round of high-fives and a few drinks. Yeah, I was a bit naive and inexperienced at the time.

But the intense joy I felt was only matched by the incredible lows I sunk to when it didn't work out.

I'd get all emotional about it and take it personally, as if the girl pulled away because I was completely repulsive or some other crazy reason in my head.

But as I got a bit older (I use that term very loosely) and gained a better perspective on things, I realized it wasn't entirely my fault.

We BOTH played a part in what happened. I stopped taking it so hard and learned from the experience instead.

On the other side of the dating equation, I know that women have the same kind of excitement over a new relationship.

But what I've observed is that females generally DON’T go through the experience in quite the same way that guys do.
One thing in particular is the tendency for many w
omen to look too far ahead into the future and create self-fulfilling prophecies that endanger their connection with a guy.

From a guy's point of view, this kind of behavior comes off as desperate and immature. In the end, it pushes men away, leaving you wondering what you said or did.

Well, I'm going to let you know exactly what a lot of women say AND do that drive men away faster than kryptonite does to Superman.

Let's start with...

Man Repellent #1: Crystal Ball Syndrome

Here's the situation my female clients often get into: Things start off with their guy perfectly - so perfectly in fact, that even a Romantic comedy scriptwriter couldn't have come up with something better.

After the first few picture-perfect dates, the wheels in her head start turning. She creates a bunch of movie-worthy scenarios – the sky’s the limit with one's imagination.

And when they get on this thought-train, it quickly derails them out of the real world and straight into the clouds.

Now, I'm not saying it's bad to feel optimistic about your evolving relationship, but you'll have to draw the line somewhere.

"Ok Carlos," you might ask, "where do I find this so-called line?"

Consider this...

There’s a difference between having happy thoughts like "Where could this be going", "Boy, I can't wait to meet his folks" or "When is he going to ask me to move in?"...

...and having prophetic visions of your wedding theme, what your bridal dress will look like, and pretty much anything too far in the future to be considered in the PRESENT moment.

So all I'm asking is that while you're visualizing the wonderful things that have yet to happen, don't stray too far from the present time and leave your guy behind.

Man Repellent #2: Constant Need For Validation

There's always an element of uncertainty in a new relationship. Sometimes, a guy can give off mixed signals and make you wonder if he's really as into you as you are into him.

That thought alone can drive anyone up the wall, and it's obviously not a good feeling to have. Trust me - I get it that you just want to relieve yourself of the torment of wondering if this guy is wasting your time.

Having said that however, it's still not a good idea to keep asking him about the future of your relationship. Where's it going... What's next... etc.

For the average guy, having one of those 'State of the Union' type of talks is about as fun as... well, an actual State of the Union address. Not only is it un-fun, but the fear and uncertainty that some women unintentionally give off can create a lot of tension.

And I don't have to tell you that this desperation is palpable to men. We can feel it.

There's nothing wrong with feeling that anxiety. Chances are he's feeling it too.

The best way you can help both of you is by not running away from the fear while going through this process.

More importantly, don't...

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
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Mistakes Women Make When A Man Pulls Away

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