Things are going to be different from here on out 🙅🏽‍♂️

3 years ago

Public platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and YouTube are great on one hand because of the number of people we can reach through them, but they are also terrible in that we cannot speak freely without running the risk of being de-platformed. Because of this unfortunate reality, I have decided to slowly begin shifting my focus to “The Academy of Divine Knowledge” which I am slowly but surely developing into a platform that will not just be a place for all to stream truth-filled content but it will also include a c3ns0rsh!p-free social media platform called “UNIFYD”. When UNIFYD is officially launched (in the near future), all ADK members will have direct access to it. I plan to make UNIFYD available for those who are not ADK members as well at a much lower price until we can eventually build our membership numbers to a point where we have paid advertisers and then we can make it FREE FOR ALL!
The more members who join ADK, the quicker we will be able to expand this platform to a point where we can make portions of it (like “UNIFYD”) free for the world!
Would you like to support us in making this all come to fruition sooner rather than later?
With Infinite Love,
Jason Shurka 🙏🏽🌎💜

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