PODCAST #2: Why You Don't Do the Thing, Earth Momma Living

2 years ago

WELCOME to the Earth Momma Living podcast!!!

I am Jackie O with EARTH MOMMA Living. This is the place where we explore healing through food, exercise and mind body wellness. I help moms create a delicious holistic lifestyle so they can massively improve their whole family’s health… without sacrificing time, flavor or sanity.

Get out your pen and paper, grocery lists and open up your minds about food & cooking, mental wellness, body movement, & holistic home living as we dive into our show.

I’m coming to you from Phoenix, AZ! Please pass on the word, tell your friends and let’s get our awakened earth momma living family Growing!

Find me on my blog on earthmommaliving.com, Facebook, Instagram @earthmommalivingofficial, YouTube and Rumble.

In today’s show I’m gonna talk about my LATEST BLOG POST because it’s that important to me. It’s really the foundation for healing, believe it or not. I am also going to do a quick 5 MIN MEDITATION for those of you who have told me that you “cannot meditate”. I really hope you enjoy it even for those of you who are seasoned meditators.

Before i get into it today, I give you my best words of advice about GATHERING INFORMATION from anywhere:
Please read and listen to information you find here and anywhere with discernment. And what I mean is, look things up on your own to confirm what you need to know and understand. Feel free to ask me questions. Not everyone has the whole truth, but when I look through and see multiple sources that contain similar or exact information, AND it resonates with me, then I sit with that until further or different knowledge is gathered. Does that make sense????

Here’s my core belief:
“In all that I do, I believe in challenging the status quo. I believe in trusting our bodies to heal themselves. The way I challenge the status quo is by teaching clean living by what we eat, what we allow around us and all that supports our bodies to heal themselves.”

Let’s do that QUICK SHORT GUIDED MEDITATION since we’re always practicing connecting and BEING in our bodies as it relates to the Earth and our higher selves. PLEASE do this only if it’s safe for you to close your eyes and be very relaxed. Save this podcast for later if you would like to do this exercise at a better time.…

Let’s start (I am crafting this one for those of you who specifically said, “I cannot meditate no matter how ‘hard’ I have tried:):
There are a few things to know before we begin:
• Nothing is going to happen to you
• You will not float away
• You will not think nothing
• You will not stop your mind
• You will not solve all of life’s problems in a few moments of silence
• There is no right or wrong way to practice, you are simply going to sit and breathe
• Expect nothing from this experience but to sit and breathe
Posture is important, as you want to be comfortable and you want to stay awake (in this session, anyway)
• Please sit in a chair OR the floor but there is no need to do either specifically
• Keep the back somewhat straight
• Shoulders relaxed
• Hands resting gently on the knees or in lap or to your sides
• Feet flat on floor if sitting in chair
• Eyes closed if comfortable or slightly open, mouth open or closed
• Breathing thru the nose or mouth, whatever is comfortable
• Most important is to breathe comfortably

What stood out for you in your observing? Just think about that and let it sit with you for this week:
The most important part of meditation practice is now, immediately after, when you realize that any sort of quiet, still, peace or calm that you feel or any sort of racing mind you may have, has nothing to do with anything I said, has nothing to do with how you sit or cross your legs, and it has nothing to do with the sounds around us. It has everything to do with your own mind and your own mind’s reaction to an external situation.

What we realize from the practice of meditation is that this is our life every day, things happen and we react, more things happen, more reactions. Most people respond to meditation quietly, peacefully. But the question is how do you respond to everything else that happens in your life? For most of us, this feeling is quite different from how we felt an hour ago, or how we will feel an hour from now.

What we are working on is closing the gap to where the way we feel now, is closer to how we feel always. Just as driven, motivated, successful and productive, yet with a mind that is steady and focused, distracted by nothing and disturbed by no one.

Once we stop trying to change and control everything outside of us and we work on changing our mind, our heart and our reaction to the world around us, life gets a little easier, a little more peaceful, a little happier, yet ultimately nothing changed except our own mind.

….about my latest blog article – titled: “Why You’re Not Doing the Thing - Because You Only WANT to Do It” from March 30, 2022. Continuing the thought about hearing news or definitely KNOWING when there’s some underlying thing that you want or even NEED to do, let’s talk about the fact that you may or may not actually get the “call” or at least in a timely manner so that you have time to do the thing before it’s too late and it’s irreversible.

At these points of awareness, you must make some sort of decision.

Knowing how I am, I know that it’s pretty much an instantaneous thought process–what am I going to do? It’s either do something or put it away. And the easiest thing to do is: Put it away.
In an article by Psychology Today by Heidi Grant Halvorson called “How to Make Yourself Do It When You Just Don't Want To–Three strategies to help you stop putting things off.” she states 3 main reasons for not doing the thing: #1: You are putting something off because you are afraid you will screw it up. Her Solution: Adopt a “prevention focus.”
Next #2: You are putting something off because you don’t “feel” like doing it. Solution: ignore your feelings. They’re getting in your way…. She quotes: Chuck Close’s observed that “Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work.”
And finally: #3: You are putting something off because it’s hard, boring, or otherwise unpleasant.
Solution: Use if-then planning.

For me, it’s about reverse engineering the want/need/have to scenario:
Here’s the thing. Did you ever notice when you hear about people who find out about some serious health condition or that they were to lose their job or go to prison or get told that if they did NOT do the thing, they would have some seriously grave consequences… what is their reaction? They had that moment of absolute certainty that they would either HAVE to make the change OR else. There’s something that just happens in our brains. Our will-power becomes a super-power and those who pay attention to this and understand the actual consequences for the choice laid out before them, change in THAT instant.

I’m totally fascinated by this science. Because it feels chemical. I’ll never forget that moment my endocrinologist called me himself, “Jackie, we got your bloodwork back. It is 100% certain that you have celiac disease. From this moment on, you cannot eat gluten ever again. No more gluten, do you understand? Good luck.”

At first I was so relieved to hear that it wasn’t cancer or some other assumed death sentence as far as regularly-feared diagnoses go that you don’t want to hear from your doctor’s office. But it was THAT moment that my brain kicked in to say “I HAVE to make this change right NOW. Or else… my severe anemia, my stripped intestines, my extreme depression… will all continue indefinitely.” Also, it was the “good luck” part of his call that gave me a clue that I was probably going to have to do this on my own.

No question about it. Done. Decided. It was to be this way from then on for the rest of my life, and I said, “I got this. I will find out where this gluten is and I will not eat it or anything close to it any more.” I was relieved but knew I had a massive amount of learning to do right away.

The best part was that now that I discovered what the problem was, I knew now that it was all about wrapping the rest of my life around this, and it was all about “time management” as Psychology Today talks about. It wasn’t hard to prioritize my time, because I had to learn this stuff fast. The point is that the issue itself created its own solution because it needed to happen right away.
I know some of you have received these kinds of calls or messages that change your life from that moment on. It seems to be a normal thing that happens to us, usually with healthcare, don’t you think? Or perhaps births, deaths… news of other extraordinary events. What changed your life in an instant? I would love to hear your stories and that moment when you just KNEW everything would change (comment below this article).

The biggest question is: How can you recreate this chemical change that happens in our body or brain to make us immediately DECIDE that we HAVE to do this thing, whatever it is. This is a really good skill to have because you can affect change in your own life without having these scares, these major life threatening-feeling events that MAKE us do things when we didn’t feel ready for it.

Of course, you can always say, well, if it was meant to be, then it was meant to be and if I was supposed to lose those 10 pounds and become super strong and leaned up, then I would just fall into it or hire the right person or… all the excuses that come with not actually HAVING to do the thing, but only wanting it.

Dr. Joe Dispenza and other well-known people have talked about this ability to reconfigure and reprogram our brains to learn and heal what we need. Overcoming the simple “want” and converting it into a pre-empting HAVE to brain pattern. It is proven over and over again.

People in the sales field (really, anyone) can attest to successful “closes” where the conversation with the potential client reaches a breakthrough even on these complimentary calls, where they feel and foresee what it would be like if they did NOT reach their certain goal.

The person who is leading the call will ask very pertinent questions about what the potential person is wanting to do, whether it is to have that dream job where they can finally quit their “9-5” or uplevel their income for their current business to 7 figures instead of 6, or visualizing that legacy that they wish for for their families.

The coach or person advising them will then help them to see this goal, this dramatic change and help them see that it is indeed possible. And certainly the coach will have their own abilities to offer beyond this first call.

Yes, you CAN do this. YES YOU CAN do anything you want to. My suggestions on how to reprogram yourself (simplest method):

DIG: Simply digging deeper to find out what will happen if you do not do the thing. Write about it, talk about it, really FEEL what could happen if you didn’t do it. THEN write all the positive stuff that will happen when you do this thing. Write until you cannot even make up any more. Then write 5 more positive things.
REPEAT: Daily affirmations for this desire is pertinent and required. Your brain will listen to the repetition and it will drown out the “but I don’t wanna do this.” or other negative or fear-based talk. (Read Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” book, he’s all about this topic and this book is certainly a classic, must-read.)
SURROUND YOURSELF: Positive and encouraging people around you is extremely helpful. Move away from those who are not this way. When you encounter a negative person, MOVE AWAY physically from them even if you need to interrupt them mid-sentence. Suggestions: Go to the bathroom and look in the mirror and repeat the stuff from #1, get a cup of tea or coffee, go fill your car with gas, anything that is mundane but useful and kind of mindless. Go for a walk. Do you see where I am going with it?
RINSE. REPEAT. If you fall backwards, brush yourself off and get back into your groove. No one who succeeded in anything did it the first time, I guarantee it.

The idea is to have that feeling of “having to” do the thing before it’s too late or so far along that your guides or God or whomever you look to for support and guidance MAKE you STOP and look at what you’re doing and get you that feared diagnosis. Then you have a lot further to go to get that thing rather than if you can reprogram your brain to think that now is the time.

Now is the time, my friend. I love you. I want for you what I have been able to begin, myself. I am nowhere near being “done” on this Earth and I have so much that I want to do in my own time and with pure persistence I will get there.

For more details about my journey: Visit my blog post dated Sept 7th last year about my having to remove every speck of gluten in my diet once they gave me a diagnosis of celiac’s disease.

That about does it for this podcast by me, Jackie O, aka Earth Momma.

If anyone has questions at all about my story, please go ahead if you’d like and send me an email at jackie at earthmommaliving.com.

Thank you for tuning into the second edition of the Earth Momma Living podcast. Have a super awesome day my friends!

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