unity fortnite clone tutorial

2 years ago

Starting a more indepth video series on Multiplayer, with a kick off of how to set up and prep customization of the players for photon multiplayer. built with Unity and Playmaker.

part 3. we add some camera effects and a health bar and Ammo UI.
dont miss the coming videos, when we push this into a deeper dive of multiplayer. like Fortnite or pubg.
Ill make a CTF, DM, Team DeathMatch, FFA and maybe some some achievements.
Third Person, with custom camera, custom save and a pile of other fun stuff, so stay tuned with this unity playmaker tutorial series. Like and subscribe :)

0:00 intro
0:35 Making the Aim Icon
3:12 Camera Shake
7:32 Player Sending Events
10:05 Aim Icon Scaling
15:05 Making Bullet Sprites
19:15 Bullet Sprite Set Up
31:00 Setting Up Bullet Sprite Mask
38:15 Heart Beat Sprite Creation
43:30 Heart Sprite Set up
47:35 Heart Beat Logic

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