March 27 2022: The Indescribable Gift

2 years ago

The Indescribable Gift
Pastor Gary Denbow
2 Corinthians 9:15

1. The Gift Foretold.
• The coming of the Lord was described throughout scripture:
The seed of woman (Gen. 3:15), seed of Abraham (Gen. 22:10), Isaac (Gen. 26:5), Jacob (Gen. 28:4). Of the tribe of Judah (Gen. 49:10), from the lineage of David (2 Sam. 7:12). Born of a virgin (Isa. 7:14). The very expression of God with us (Isa. 9:6). Would suffer for our sins (Isa. 53). Born in Bethlehem (Micah 3:2). 483 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem (Dan. 9:24).

2. The Gift Unfolded
• God chose Gabriel to unfold the message to Mary, she was to call the Messiah; Jesus: Jehovah is Saviour.
• Luke 1:32-33

3. The Gift Explained
• There had to be a perfect sacrifice for sin.
• There had to be one who could show the glory of God in a way that humans could understand.
• He had to become the Head of the Church.

4. The Gift Applied.
• We have become one with Christ through the new birth.
• Christ has gone to glory.
• We can expect to be triumphant, through His triumph.

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