Schumann Resonance Dec 5 What Was Done to Us, and Yet, We Got This

2 years ago

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LOOK what the M-Class Solar Flare revealed!!

At two minutes , I meant to say HORIZONTAL LINES

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For a deeper dive -

Schumann Resonance - Break the Matrix

Schumann Resonance - The Technological Effect and the Awakening?

Schumann Resonance Nov 28 Dramatic Moves in Red Resonance - Meaning of the Flag Image (14 min)

Schumann Resonance Nov 27 RED Qualities HIGH and LONG SPIKING Quick Review (7 min)

See the Deeper Dive here with chapters RISE OF THE RED RESONANCE - What it Means Nov 26
1.Intro and Channel Update
2.Schumann Analysis - Rise of the Red Resonance - What it Means
3.The Energies of Innocence, Denial, and Naivete

Schumann Resonance Nov 25 Innocence Versus Denial and Naïveté

A Story about the Archons: Transcendence Through War; Enlightenment Through Devastation – An Interesting Story

For More -

VaxUnVax Energy Techniques - How to Heal this Rift in Our Society

Nov 19 2021 Lunar Eclipse - Susan Inspired Astrology Stories - Healing the Male and Female Trauma Archetype Protects Innocence

Schumann Resonance - Whoosh Goes the Loosh!!

Susan Inspired Poetry Story - The Phoenix, Rising - Does it Matter if the World Burns?

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This really helps me get the word out - Thank you!

Photo and Music Credits
Photographic images and music clips are licensed for commercial and non-commercial use.

Video audio, commentary, human energy field images and typed notes © 2021 Susan Inspired. All Rights Reserved. Views reflect those of the author, only. Permission is given to share this video on other blogs and websites as long as the author’s credit and live link back to this channel and/or my blog are included. 

Thank you for sharing!


Keywords: Schumann Resonance, Frequency, Quantum Physics, Human Energy Field, Spirituality, Consciousness, Inspiration, Inspired, Energy, Soul


Red Riding Hood image from Pixabay by Comfreak

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