Dec 4 Eclipse - The STARGATE Opens - What it Means for You

2 years ago

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0:00 Stories enhance the fabric of our lives
12:26 The STARGATE at the Eclipse
1:02:59 The Finalé

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Solar Eclipse was 11:33pm Pacific time USA, New Moon peak was at 11:43pm Pacific time USA.

Scorpion spirit animal meaning -

There were 3 major themes in the Astrology energy of the Solar Eclipse of Dec 3-4, 2021

This video is Part 2 of a 3 part video series on this eclipse

Part 1 - The evolution of the Sedna story - how we are personally effected by the eclipse energies - Dynamics of the Human Family -
Part 2 - The Sun and the Stargate - (this video)
Part 3 - The Antarctica Interpretation (upcoming)

Thanks so much for watching my astrology stories!

Astrology Collaboration Partner - Thank you Andrea!
Watch Andrea’s amazing video on the action of Pluto here

Link to my recent Livestream replay - Discussions of the Human Energy System with comments on the Schumann Resonance -

Astrology Collaboration Partner - Thank you Andrea!
Watch Andrea’s amazing video on the action of Pluto here

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This really helps me get the word out - Thank you!

Photo and Music Credits
Photographic images and music clips are licensed for commercial and non-commercial use.

Video audio, commentary, human energy field images and typed notes © 2021 Susan Inspired. All Rights Reserved. Views reflect those of the author, only. Permission is given to share this video on other blogs and websites as long as the author’s credit and live link back to this channel and/or my blog are included. 

Thank you for sharing!


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