2 years ago

'THE ROCK' is a visual featurette between Jesus and Peter. Peter whose name means 'the rock' is known as a very bold disciple of Christ. He was recruited by Jesus to be 'A Fisher of Men' and was also the first to recognize and state aloud that Jesus was 'The Christ' & 'The Son of the Living God'.

MOVIES & SERIES: Son of God, The Bible Series, Miscellaneous Clips.

SUGGESTION: If you are interested in the biblical account of Jesus read the GOSPEL books of 'MATTHEW' 'MARK' 'LUKE' & 'JOHN'.


1. Dates given are merely estimates.

2. Imagery and Dialogue are strictly creative works and shouldn't be imagined as biblical absolutes.

3. There are biblical indications that the miracle catching of the '153' fish was likely not the first time Peter met Jesus. It also must be noted there were other disciples present and the storyline presented is dissimilar in various ways to biblical narrative.

4. If there are any provable biblical discrepancies with the video, Inform me and I will happily disclaim them here.

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