What is your favorite Campground?

2 years ago

We are at Chehalis RV & Camping Resort in Chehalis Washington It is a campground surrounded by huge Douglas fir trees with views of Mt. Reiner and Mt. St. Helens. Join us on a tour of Thousand Trails very first campground and stay tuned to hear Fred's cellular report. #RVLife #FullTime #Cellular #rvliving #review #college #teachablemoments #hiking

We're Mary and Fred! In 2020, we transitioned from part time RVing to full time and travel the country looking for teachable moments to help the nomadic home schooling community. We explore, experience and educate, because it's never too late to believe in yourself.

The EdelKampers is a YouTube channel intended for entertainment purposes only. We are not experts and these opinions are only intended to show what methods we use when it comes to RV Living.

This video contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. These are items we use and recommend.

Join The EdelKampers: https://edelkampers.com
Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on Audionautix.com
Harvest Hosts 15% off: http://harvesthosts.refr.cc/fredrickedelkamp
SoftStartRV: Free shipping and a $30 discount: https://softstartrv.com/tech
Thousand Trails: Jim & Brandy 770-622-4188 brandy_reneau@equitylifestyle.com
Mention The EdelKampers for the Best rate
Passport America: https://passportamerica.com

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