2 years ago

2 weeks ago a gorilla at our local zoo here in Albuquerque New Mexico got sick with Shigella. Its related to eColi and a food and water borne bacteria, not airborne.
Last week my wife and son became extremely ill so we went to the ER. Then went to a 2nd ER because the first didn't do anything for us. Then went to a 3rd ER to finally get blood and stool tests done, which unfortunately came back positive for Shigella.
Apparently it's a bacterial infection and if left untreated, can result in death.
My wife is still in the ER due to her immune difficiences, so please pray for our family.
Our son who is only 2 years old, is doing so much better!!
This is a reminder to hospitals...
There is much more to focus on besides CVid! Don't send people away who are needing your care! They could've died!!!!

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