2 years ago

Galatians 6:2 King James Version
2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

I have to say, that there was something about this morning's passage of scripture that God was speaking to my heart deeply over, and I'd like to share some things that are on my heart tonight with all of you. In particular I'd like to share the questions from this morning's devotional, because God has been really speaking to me through both these and this morning scripture and were something I really badly needed right now. Let me start by sharing these questions from this morning's devotional, and I pray that they will be a blessing to you too.

What keeps you from sharing your needs with others?

I know this is a really interesting question, because you see, I've been very hesitant, as well as outright not willing to share things that are going on in my life, because of insecurities, as well as fears. I'm especially afraid of sharing certain things that are going on in my life with all of you, for fear of blame, rejection, and a lot of other stupid things. In short, I have this stubborn belief that I need to solve my problems myself!

That's why I'd like to share this vlog with all of you tonight, on how God has designed us as his redeemed own, to be one body made up of many valuable parts, and how each part has a vital function. Above all, that we need to be willing to share what’s going on in our lives, as well as help shoulder the weight of someone else’s need, so that they know that somebody cares about them. I invite you to join me in this vlog, and learn how to not only depend on one another, but learn how we can accomplish God's amazing plan to meet all of our needs, by being willing to help each other! 😊

So, as I close this post for tonight, I want to leave you with this final question from this morning's devotional, and I pray that it will challenge you with whatever notions you have concerning helping others, as well as getting help yourself.

What can you do today to reach out to someone else and help shoulder their burden?

I pray that you realize that you are not in this walk alone. That you open your eyes to the fact that if you keep your need to yourself, because you want control of your circumstances, or show an unwillingness to reach out and help shoulder the needs of others, you’re missing out on some really big blessings! Because when you choose to reach out to help another person, you are fulfilling the principles of God's word, in loving your neighbor as yourself, but most of all in being God's hands and feet. I also pray for those who think that they need to shut everybody out of their lives and solve their own problems, to learn that you're not in this alone, but that there are caring, wonderful, godly, and loving people who are ready and willing to help you. Don't be afraid to seek their help and watch how God will work in your life for His honor and glory!



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