It should have not been there - Part 2

2 years ago

It should've not been there - Part 2
In the previous part, we revealed some extraordinary phenomena in space. We are continuing with more remarkable occurrences in the cosmos. Let us start now.
Oumuamua: On 19 October 2017, the Pan-STARRS telescope in Hawaii observed the first interstellar object, "Oumuamua" in our solar system.
'Oumuamua is a cigar-like structure 400-800 meters long. We have made a separate video on Oumuamua, you can find its link on the top right corner of the screen.
Oumuamua is moving out from our solar system at the speed of 500 million miles per year. With that speed, it will return to interstellar space by 2030.
Tabby's or Boyajian Star: Almost 1300 light-years away from Earth, there is an unusual star known as Boyajian Star. The star is unique because of its strange erratic behavior. The star has unpredictable brightness fluctuations that surpass all explanations.
All the observable stars have tiny dips in their brightness, but Boyajian's star outdo every one of them.
What causes the brightness dips in Boyajian's star? There is no definitive answer. But with the current advancements in astrological sciences and technology, we will hopefully, come to know soon.

Galaxy X: There could be an invisible dwarf galaxy named Galaxy X, which may be orbiting the Milky Way. Scientists have found out that the galaxy may be around 300,000 light-years from our galactic center.
With the breakthroughs, scientists may find proof for the existence of Galaxy X.
If found, Galaxy X will be one of its kind because scientists have not been able to find anything like that before. However, experts predict that there could be other galaxies like galaxy X in the Universe.
In 1966 a unique Asteroid Elst-Pizzaro passed near the sun. Experts found a strange thing about the asteroid, it had a tail! Asteroids do not have tails because they are composed of rocks or metals. However, Comets have tails as they are made up of ice. When comets pass near the sun, the heat of the sun melts its ice leaving the trail in the form of water.

In 2001, Elst Pizzaro made a scheduled trip again near the sun, and surprisingly enough, its tail was seen again. Over time the tail brightness of Elst-Pizzaro had changed creating more confusion about its classification.
Experts have concluded that Elst-Pizzaro is an asteroid that collided with another asteroid and that phenomenon left a trail of debris that makes it look like a comet.
experts have also concluded that Elst-Pizzaro is losing its mass like a comet. Experts are not sure why Elst-Pizzaro is losing its mass. Several other theories have been put forward about Elst-Pizzaro on why it is like the way it is, but the truth is that Elst-Pizzaro is still a mystery and it is going to take some time before we come to know its real nature.

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