🍀 The Hero is a Part-Timer | Kirby and the Forgotten Land

2 years ago

Kirby can save the world, but can he pay his food bill?

#kirby #kirbyandtheforgottenland #星のカービィ #星のカービィディスカバリー #nintendo #nintendoswitch

We Wara Kirby and the Forgotten Land Full Episode Playlist Guide:
📷 • Kirby and the Forgotten Land

Akari: カービィカフェの利用者が急増しそうな予感がします。カフェが開設されたときはあまりの可愛さに卒倒しそうになりました。日本のカービィカフェで同じメニューが食べられるのをTwitterで見て日本行きてえ~!!!!!ってなってます。全メニュー制覇したいから通い詰めなければ…。売ってるグッズも可愛いし(フライパンは絶対に買う、買い物リストも作りました)、日本に帰った際には絶対行こうと思います。それまで終わってないといいなあ!ミニゲーム、最初は協力プレイだと思ってお互いに自分たちの持ち場で仕事してたのは思わず笑ってしまいましたwあと失敗すると床に落としてしまうのが地味に罪悪感ですね。難易度☆☆までは「余裕余裕!」って感じでしたが、難易度☆☆☆になって突然の鬼モードで気が付けば本気になっていました。最初のトライで怒って帰ってしまうワドルディもかわいそうだけどかわいい。もうね、このゲームは子供だけでなく大人にもおすすめですよ本当に!結局最後は持ち場を決めてやってみたのですが、それでも難しくて爆笑でした。最後にもらえたカフェカービィのフィギュア、すっっっごくかわいいです。説明も食べないようにするのが難しい仕事だったと可愛くて面白く、このゲームは何度私を可愛さで悶絶させるのですか???もうフィギュアはリアルでガシャポン化してくれないかなと本気で思っているのですがどうなんでしょうか?個人的にはグッズ化するつもりでガチャにしたんじゃないかな、と思っているのですがそこのところどうなんでしょう、任天堂さん!

Game Info: Join Kirby in an unforgettable journey through a mysterious world in a 3D platforming adventure
Float off on an all-new adventure as the powerful puffball, Kirby. Explore in 3D stages as you discover a mysterious world with abandoned structures from a past civilization—like a shopping mall?! Copy enemies’ abilities like the new Drill and Ranger and use them to attack, explore your surroundings, and save the kidnapped Waddle Dees from the ferocious Beast Pack alongside the mysterious Elfilin. Hope you’re hungry for an unforgettable adventure!
Get a mouthful of real-world objects for all-new, powerful transformations
Feeling hungry? Kirby can inhale real-world objects and transform using Mouthful Mode! Why get one drink from a vending machine when you can swallow the whole thing? Then, use your boxy body to shoot out cans at baddies. Consume a car to gain some wheels and slam through walls. Sit back and take it all in...literally.
Join up with a pointy partner, Bandana Waddle Dee, in co-op play
Pass a Joy-Con controller to a buddy to play as the spear-wielding Bandana Waddle Dee and help each other explore and battle through this colorful world. While Kirby can float and inhale enemies, Bandana Waddle Dee can spin and stab with his sturdy spear. Find friendship in this forgotten world and save the Waddle Dees!
Float over obstacles and fight through enemies on your way to each stage’s goal as you slash, poke, freeze, and hammer using Kirby’s copy abilities. The tough puff is truly put to the test in dynamic boss battles that will keep you dancing about the arena. Choose from two difficulty modes for either a light, breezy adventure or a more challenging experience.
Each themed stage you travel through will hide several friendly Waddle Dees in peril! Save them to grow the home base of your adventure, the once-deserted Waddle Dee Town. The Waddle Dees you rescue will unlock shops, leaderboards, and the ability to evolve copy abilities to make them stronger. You’ll also be able to enjoy some of the townsfolk’s favorite games. Use compatible amiibo accessories or Present Codes at Waddle Dee-liveries for useful in-game items. Track down cute collectibles to give Kirby’s house some extra charm either at the Gotcha Machine Alley or during your adventure.  

About Our Channel: We are an international married couple that enjoys gaming together. Jaeger was born and raised in the USA and Akari was born and raised in Japan. Both of us have played games throughout our lives and when we met each and started gaming together we had so much more fun together. Unfortunately we had so many great gaming moments together that it became difficult to remember them all. We began saving videos and screenshots as we played together but eventually our storage space started to fill up. So we moved to YouTube where there is plenty of storage and its safe from accidents. The channel name is We as in the English plural pronoun and 笑 read as "wara" for the Japanese kanji for laugh.

We Wara (笑)
@we_wara @we_wara_extras

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