Funeral Director John O'Looney RE: Covid Vaccine ~ "I'm Dealing With Murder Victims!"

2 years ago

This is a very brave funeral director/owner named John O’Looney talking with Max Egan, and the information is staggering to say the very least. We are in the midst of pure evil, and the purposeful injury, murder, sterilization, and depopulation of mankind. There is no longer any doubt about this, regardless of the apathetic and gullible nature of most. We are at a crossroads so important and so dangerous, that we are facing death from every angle, and few are standing against this onslaught of terror. Yes, some protest and carry signs, and some beg for redress from their state enemies in politics, but that will never get the job done, and it certainly will not stop the agendas of the state. Only mass resistance, dissent, and total disobedience to any government mandate will stop this assault on all of us. That includes not allowing under any circumstances any deadly injection called a ‘Covid vaccine.’ It is simply a bioweapon for murder and now they're after the kids!
UPDATE: Just saw this: John O’Looney is rescued from a hospital by friends January 1, 2022:
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