GOD IS CALLING - How to Resist Temptation - Daily Devotional - Little Big Things

2 years ago

God is calling you right now! If you listen, you’ll hear his voice. He wants to show you how to resist temptation and be victorious!
To defeat Satan’s lies with God’s solutions ➡ https://ConfrontingTheLiar.org/

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Video Text:
God is calling. Yes - God is calling you and I to flee to him. To grab his book and run into his strong arms. He's calling us, the same way you would call your little child; calling us to safety in times of trouble; calling us because he sees danger and wants so much to protect us.

Our God, our amazing God, knows how Satan attacks us. He knows it's a battle, but the good news is that he has already won the war. The victory belongs to him already - and he wants to share it to you! Let's dig deeper to discover more how this battle works and how you can be victorious. To begin, I'd like to ask you to think about your most common sin.

The caption might say pride, greed, lust, envy, anger or laziness while your particular issue may be more specific such as selfishness, entitlement or righteousness – just to name a few subtitles under pride.

Let’s see if we can unlock the pattern behind sin – how sin works – to see if we can take some steps toward beating it. The Bible says: “Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.” James 1:14-15NLT

Notice how the first step in sin is our own desires. There is no one else to blame, because if you didn’t desire it, you would not do it. Mat15:19-20 One man may like getting high on drugs while another man is repulsed by the thought. Satan simply chooses bait that you’ve swallowed before because he knows you like it.

The second step is when we deceive ourselves with permission to pursue the enticement. For example, when tempted with pornography, many men will convince themselves, “I’m not hurting anyone,” “No one will know,” “I need it,” or “It’s not so bad…”

The third step moves us from imagination to behavior as the cheating starts, the gossip begins or the hoarding happens. Because we have already enticed ourselves with the permission slip – we choose to slip. Slip slide away from God.

But all of this leads us to the last step, “when sin is allowed to grow, as it gives birth to death.” James1:15NLT Death... Death to our conscience. Death to knowing wrong from right. Death to living abundantly and death to our relationship with God.

You see, sin is not done with me even after I’m done with sin. Sin lingers. Like stink from a dead skunk – it won’t go away. What happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas – because it comes home with our memories. Sin lingers and leads us to death.

But there is good news. God is calling you and I to flee to him. To flee. To run to him as fast as you can when you see temptation coming. God wants to shelter you. His door of safety is open and he's calling you inside. Run to me. Rest with me. Be with me.

My friends, as the battle wages, we need God's strength to fight the enemy. That's why we want to bless you with the free gift of 3 amazing chapters from Confronting the Liar, God's Solutions for Defeating Satan's Lies. Yes! God wants you to win with him. God is calling you right now.

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