Health Dictatorship: oppose the Amendment to the National Health Act

2 years ago

a Serious threat to our human rights

How to take part:
Email submissions to:
Subject: Objections to the Health Amendments No. 46045 that was Published on 15 March 2022 with Government Notice No. 1877–1880.
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2022 06:54:59 +0200

Dear Minister Phaala, (The President, the Cabinet and whole Parliament)

I, Name & Surname, hereby formally object to the amendment as proposed in the Government Gazette Published on the 15 March 2022 with Government Notice No. 1877–1880.

The amendments to the Regulations relating to the surveillance and control of notifiable medical conditions. The amendments infringes on my rights in terms of all or the applicable right(s) of the following sections of the Constitution:

1.1 Section 9 of the Constitution – my individual right to equality;
1.2 Section 10 of the Constitution – my right to human dignity, including to work;
1.3 Section 11 of the Constitution – my right to life;
1.4 Section 12 of the Constitution – my right to bodily and psychological integrity, which includes the right to security in and control over my body;
1.5 Section 14 of the Constitution – my right to privacy;
1.6 Section 22 of the Constitution – my right to choose my trade, occupation, or profession freely;
1.7 Section 23 of the Constitution – my right to fair labour practices; and
1.8 Section 29 of the Constitution – my right to education through reasonable measures; and
1.9 Section 33 of the Constitution – my right to just administrative action.

2. The Policy itself is contrary to Section 26 of the Protection of Personal Information Act, which prohibits the processing of personal information concerning, amongst others, religious beliefs and/ or health information of an individual.

3. I also object to continuation of the Disaster Management Act, which has long since been an over reach of power by this government, the disaster has never been substantiated and any continuance of the DMA is a clear grab for total control over citizens' lives.

Yours Truly

Name & Surname

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