Rhode Island Atlantic Brant, and a Mixed Bag Sea Duck Hunt | The Journey Within - Waterfowl Slam

3 years ago

On this weeks’ episode of The Journey Within – The Waterfowl Slam, Mark Peterson is in Rhode Island after a single species, the Atlantic Brant. Mark is hunting with guide and friend, Capt. Ruben Perez. Will the Atlantic Brant be an easy species to check off the list? Lone King Eider's are also known to travel through this area, is there a chance to cross this species off as well?

To read Mark’s field notes, where he tells his first-hand account of this hunt go to:

For a full list of the species taken on The Journey Within - A Bird Hunter's Diary The Waterfowl Slam. Go to my website: https://markvpeterson.com/waterfowl-slam/

To Book a waterfowl hunt with WTA, go to:

Thank you to these great Partners

43 Species – Going after list
Birds harvested in this episode:
✓ Atlantic Brant
✓ Greater Scaup

Birds already harvested:
✓ Wood Duck
✓ Mottled Duck
✓ Blue-Winged Teal
✓ Black-bellied Whistling Duck
✓ Canvasback
✓ Sandhill Crane
✓ Lesser Canada Goose
✓ Ross's Goose
✓ Speckle Belly
✓ Hooded Merganser
✓ Lesser Scaup
✓ Ring-necked
✓ Northern Pintail
✓ Northern Shoveler
✓ Green-winged Teal
✓ American Coot
✓ Common Eider
✓ Long-Tailed Duck
✓ White-winged Scoter
✓ Black Duck
✓ Common “Black” Scoter
✓ Surf Scoter
✓ Barrows Goldeneye
✓ Ruddy Duck
✓ Tundra Swan
✓ Gadwall
✓ Redhead Duck
✓ Common Merganser
✓ Cackling Goose
✓ Red-breasted Merganser
✓ Harlequin
✓ Pacific Brant
✓ BONUS Aleutian Green-winged teal
✓ Mallard Drake
✓ American Wigeon
✓ Common Goldeneye
✓ Bufflehead Drake

Birds left on the list:
Greater Snow Goose, Blue Goose or Lesser Snow Goose, Cinnamon Teal, Fulvous Whistling Duck, King Eider

Deals With Our Partners:
15% Off Entire Ruff Tuff Custom Seat Cover Order. Use Promo Code: RTMP15

15% Off Redy Nutrient Products: MPREDY15

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#TheJourneyWithin #MarkPeterson #WorldwideTrophyAdventures

00:00 Giveaway
00:51 Intro
02:18 Day 1 - Rhode Island
04:05 Brant Down
05:41 Day 2 - Rhode Island
07:20 Blue Bill Down
08:45 Epic Kill Shot
11:25 Packing Up

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