MSM (Worst Enemy of the People) Forced to say the obvious about Hunter Biden's Laptop.

2 years ago

Same line I've used with other MSM videos:


The MSM is your worst enemy ever. Thanks to them, millions will die from the deadly jab as the MSM never cared and covered up on purpose the reality of the Big Pharma hoax and bioweapon being administered to those who believed their bullsh*t.

Journalism is dead and has been dead with very rare exceptions worldwide.

WHY you ask?

Just investigate who owns the media companies and it will show you all of them are controlled by the Freemason/Satanic/Deep State/Khazarian Mafia/Cockroach monsters who have and want to continue to destroy your lives so they can live out their world domination desires.

Thanks for the Alliance and DJT, that is about to end. If you doubt that, wait just a few more days and watch the hammer come down.

The truth is coming and the truth ALWAYS arrives to prove the point of those who know the truth. It may not always be on a timetable we want, but the truth ALWAYS delivers.

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