April allotment tour 2022: Spring Gardening

2 years ago

Hello and welcome! Today I am sharing with you what my allotment looks like in April. I feel like we have made a lot of progress on our little plot this month, it has been some really lovely weather and now it is so cold!! I know it doesnt look like much is growing but we are moving through to spring and soon there will be a BOOM in growing. Sadly that will go for weeds too! lol I am excited for my upcoming plans for the allotment.

The trees that we are getting are from Thompson and Morgan

potted mini-fruit tree collection, 9cm pots

pear - Doyenne Du Comice
Apple - yellow golden
Apple gala
cherry - sylvia
plum - black amber

fig - brown turkey


salad Blue
purple majesty
king edwards

#springgardening #allotmenttour #allotment #allotmentgardening #organicgardening #gardening #April #newyeargarden #growyourownfood #growyourown #veggies #growingyourownveggies #growingfruit #dealingwithpests #vegetable

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