Woe unto the rich who look down upon the poor for they will be beggers

2 years ago

Woe unto the rich who look down upon everyone who is poor and struggling for all the rich will loose everything!! Money will be worthless, cars, phones will no longer work and the rich who stuck their noses up in the air will be beggers on the street, then Jesus told the rich young ruler go and sell everything you have and give to the poor then come and follow Me, the rich young man went away because he had great wealth and Jesus yelled and said how hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven like a camel trying to enter!! Woe unto those who are rich for you will moarn and will loose everything!! So when a rich person looks down on you remember they will loose everything!! All their money, fancy cars, private jets, phones will all be gone and not work at all and no one will care if they were rich at all after the rapture happens they will loose everything and many will kill themselves because money and being rich was their idol and they lost it all and will

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