09/20/21 Mon. Vaxx Fight! Wi Spa Truth Comes Out! Women, SMH!

3 years ago

0:00:00 Mon, Sep 20, 2021
0:02:29 Space and Mexico
0:05:47 Hey, guys!
0:09:09 Vaxx passport fight
0:23:33 Mike, MI: Women
0:27:28 Women! Crying Child
0:31:15 Tony, CA
0:35:50 Enabling
0:42:20 Wi Spa Suspect
0:56:47 Super Chats
1:02:12 Losing You
1:07:33 Music comments
1:09:35 Emperor's New Clothes
1:19:12 Keith, IL
1:27:25 Vaxx Officials
1:39:18 Ricky, CA
1:43:25 Dum Dems
1:47:50 Alex, CA
1:53:30 Jeremiah, LA
1:59:26 Leica, Havalina

The Hake Report, Monday, September 20, 2021: Black ladies from Texas allegedly punch a NYC Carmine's restaurant hostess over vaxx passport. // Women try to force a little boy to wear a mask! He cries at daycare. // Wi Spa: 52-year-old "sex offender" Darren Agee Merager accused by several of exposing himself to women and girls! "Slippery Slope" is real! // Silly old NIH Dir. Francis Collins expects boosters soon! Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is a poser, and a fox guarding the henhouse! // United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby is "teacher's pet" for Biden! // INTERESTING CALLS — see below!

MUSIC: Havalina! – "Space and Mexico," "Losing You," and "Leica" – from 2002 album Space, Love and Bullfighting

Also check out Hake News from today.

Mike from Michigan can't hear James! He thinks Hake has a problem with women.
Tony from California feigns concern about millions spent on the failed CA recall election.
Keith from Illinois talks about the black community using "brother" to control one another.
Ricky from Stockton, CA asks if the Vaxx will be added to the list required for schools.
Alex from California has James rate his college experience, and mentions Simulation Theory.
Jeremiah from Louisiana with an evil voice asks if Hake's an intellectual or secular Christian.

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2021/9/20/092021-mon-vaxx-fight-wi-spa-truth-comes-out-women-smh

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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