Block The Bill, There's No Emergency!

2 years ago

BLOCK THE BILL! There is no emergency.

Brisbane, Qld, Australia. 31st March 2022..

Queensland public health emergency powers extended, again, despite there's no emergency. Seems they are not listening to us, again. It's not surprising when you know they don't work for the people, they work for the globalists.

Drunk on power.

Article from the Brisbane Times, see here...

^ Belay the headline, it's what's in the article that's important.

It seems the Brisbane Times are the only media reporting on this 'other side' to the "public health emergency" in Qld.

There's two things, well...3 actually.

Here's the story from September last year in the Brisbane Times....

Here's Yvette Darth Vader tabling the CHO bill in May 2021....

Here's the Minister for Mirani speaking about it in Parliament the day it was passed in September 2021...

See this quote from the latest article in the Brisbane Times dated Feb 21, 2022 about the SOE that people are protesting about in Brisbane atm....

"These sit below the broader public health emergency declaration, first made in February 2020, which itself is due to expire on March 26 after an extension in early December. If the emergency declaration were to lapse, the additional powers would also end"

Check out the date discrepancies re: when the CHOs powers got extended to. It was reported last year it was until April 2022. But they've done it early.

"We are in a unique position now where there are no emergency powers in Qld. None, nutta, zilch, nil. The CHOs powers got extended on the 18th March, "automatically" mind you, until June 24, 2022.
However, and I told you it was confusing, the SOE expired on 26th March, 2022."

'If the emergency declaration were to end, the additional powers would also end'

"We've got two days left with no emergency powers in this state."

I hope that explains the situation a bit better, and please bombard your local state MP demanding full transparency of this bull 💩, stop ignoring us, we want full accountability. Cause if we don't get it, they will be held accountable.

Now is the time to fully expose this nonsense for what it is.

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