Best natural remedy for autoimmune disease? Autoimmune homeopathy treatment [Clay Bartley N.D.]

2 years ago

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It's best to do this protocol at the onset of cold/flu symptoms. Your body may have 10,000 pathogens for your immune system to fight off on the first day, but in 2-3 days those pathogens can multiply by the trillions.

Western medicine has vaccines to wake up the immune system to combat pathogens. The difference between a pathogen that damages the body and one that doesn’t is that your immune system cannot detect the damaging pathogen. These “bugs” have a cloaking ability or camouflage capability, where the immune system knows that there is something disrupting the body, but it cannot detect it. Your immune system will cause your body to develop a fever, create mucus in the sinuses, lungs, and throat, and will cause body aches in an effort to expel a pathogen it cannot recognize. Vaccine makers use the 10 best-known viruses, from someone else’s body, and boil them until they have a group of dead pathogens. Then they add an immunostimulant like arsenic, mercury, or aluminum to wake up the immune system once the vaccine is injected. This allows the immune system to recognize a virus that it normally cannot detect. The intent is to allow the immune system to see the viruses so that antibodies can be made to combat the virus if or when the person is infected.

What if you had a natural method for activating your own immune system, something as unique as your own fingerprint?

Dr. Fox’s 40 years of studying healing and his interests in homeopathy led him to read books by a brilliant Czechoslovakian homeopathic doctor by the name of Jiri Cehovsky, and his treatments with Autopathy. Dr. Fox has stated that Autopathy is, “the best method for treatment I have ever seen. It puts all other methods on the sidelines”. Now, 80 years old Dr. Fox is in vibrant health and still tuning-up people, including himself, with Autopathy treatments. There are four Autopathic methods for treatment. One is for auto-immune disorders, one is for any mental disorders, one for physical issues, and the last is for viruses and other pathogens. Books by Jiri Cehovsky: Get Well with Autopathy. Autopathy, A homeopathic journey to Harmony: Holistic homeopathy without, homeopathic remedies, and beyond. Autopathy Handbook, Enhancing Our Life Forces.

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#Autoimmunedisorders homeopathic remedies #Autoimmunediseaseandhomeopathic treatment #Besthomeopathicremediesforalldiseases

All of our content is distributed for educational purposes, and we are not making any claims. We will also publish testimonials. Before implementing any natural protocol, consult with your primary care provider.

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