A LARGE FAVOR to ask of my viewers on farm right to repair participation this week 🙏🙏

4 years ago

Let's get Right to Repair passed! https://gofund.me/1cba2545
👉 https://uspirg.org/sites/pirg/files/reports/DeereInTheHeadlights/WEB_USP_Deere-in-the-Headlights_V2.pdf

In Nebraska, the bill is LB543. https://legiscan.com/NE/bill/LB543/2021 Write these people slathrop@leg.ne.gov, tbrandt@leg.ne.gov, wdeboer@leg.ne.gov, sgeist@leg.ne.gov, tmckinney@leg.ne.gov, amorfeld@leg.ne.gov, ppansingbrooks@leg.ne.gov, jslama@leg.ne.gov

In Montana, the bills are https://legiscan.com/MT/bill/HB390/2021 for house of representatives, https://legiscan.com/MT/bill/SB273/2021 for the senate. Figure out who your local representative in the house & senate are(you're big boys I know you can google this) and email & call them, or meet with them, and tell them why this matters.

I would suggest including this document as supporting evidence for being in favor of this bill. https://uspirg.org/sites/pirg/files/reports/DeereInTheHeadlights/WEB_USP_Deere-in-the-Headlights_V2.pdf

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