Golden puppy

2 years ago

Golden puppy:

So go on this link ⤵️Dog training course

Golden Beginnings Golden Retriever Rescue is a non-profit organization founded in 1999, staffed solely by volunteers, devoted to providing rescue and necessary veterinary medical care for unwanted, neglected, abused, homeless and displaced Golden Retrievers in Houston, Texas and the surrounding area

We received the Starfish Award from the Golden Retriever Club of America (GRCA) for our rescue efforts during hurricane Katrina, and in 2008, two of our rescued Goldens won G.R.A.C.E. (Golden Retrievers Achieving Community Excellence) Awards in two different categories at the GRCA Nationals in Providence, Rhode Island.where they will receive a lifetime of love.

GBGRR gladly cooperates with other rescue groups in neighboring areas to aid in the placement of Goldens into the appropriate loving family environments they deserve. Our coverage area overlaps several areas where Golden Retriever Rescue Groups are already in existence.

Our hope is that by providing a large area of coverage, no Golden Retrievers will “fall through the cracks” when several groups are contacted, and no decision can be made as to which Rescue Group should handle certain rescue situations. One of our main goals is to have enough volunteers and foster homes statewide that all small towns and shelters will have someone to call when a Golden Retriever is in need.

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