"They are trying to reduce the world's population" REAL TRIAL Coming: Think Nuremberg (Transcript) Atty Reiner Fuellmich on AJ: "These people are really trying to kill us."

2 years ago

Reiner: I can only confirm what Dr Zelenko, a really good man, has just told you. These people are really trying to kill us. They are trying to reduce the world's population. I think what they have in mind is reducing us by 80% or so. I don't think they're going to succeed ... and we're doing something about this and that's why we founded the CORONA INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE

(website) CoronaInvestigativeCommittee.com


But on top of this, after we had gotten all these little pieces of the puzzle about how the PCR TEST didn't do what people claim, or what Fauci & Drosten from Germany claim it does:

How the VACCINE ISN'T NECESSARY because we don't have a Corona pandemic, RATHER, WE HAVE A PCR TEST PANDEMIC -also we have alternative treatment. Dr Zelenko invented the Zelenko Protocol which works perfectly well.


So we're taking all these pieces of the puzzle and decided with a group of international attorneys to let the people see the entire picture through a Judicial Proceeding which is based on the American Grand Jury Proceeding. This is a suggestion by our colleague, Ana Garner and we had this 6 day hearing and we're going to conclude it soon with closing arguments and then we're going to go into PHASE II AND HAVE AN ACTUAL TRIAL and we're probably going to be able to enforce the Judgement that will hopefully result from this trial.

Why am I saying this? Well I think it's taking too many chances to try and bring this case, file it within the system. There are some places the system still works & in particular some places in the West but also in India nut most of the places here in Europe, in particular in Germany are totally corrupted and infiltrated so there's no use in getting one of these systems' courts to hear these cases - WE'RE NOT GOING TO GET A FAIR HEARING.

So we're going to do this outside the system but we still believe, it's a real trial, with real attorneys, with a real Judge and a real Jury which will be our viewers. We still believe we can enforce the judgement because it looks... if you would look at Ukraine is just an extension of the fear-mongering that we seen with the Corona Pandemic.

You LOOK AT UKRAINE, they're using this TO KEEP US IN FEAR MODE & PANIC MODE in order to go through with their Great Reset, which, what's it's real GOAL IS TO CREATE A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, because they want to make us believe they're our National governments which they're not... THEY ARE NOT OUR GOVERNMENTS ANYMORE, most of them have been infiltrated into our systems through the World Economic Forum which has it's own production capacity in terms of their Young Global Leaders Program.

So we do believe THINGS ARE GOING TO COME TO A HEAD, probably this fall - we can't make any precise predictions but based on the testimony we got from geopoliticians, based on what we think is really happening in Ukraine, it's very hard to tell - there's propaganda on both sides but the one side we're being presented is the one presented to us by SAME PEOPLE WHO'S BEEN LYING TO US about Corona, the mainstream media and... ALEX CUT IN BREAK... comes back & gives Reiner much praise.

Reiner: Well, thanks Alex, that's heaping to much praise on me - we're a GROUP OF ATTORNEYS. We're about 30 attorneys from all over the world including South Africa, the United States, France, Italy, many many other countries, and there's India. It's only the fact that we're all connected. We're all in it for the cause. Noone's in it for the money because we're not making any.

The way this connection seems to be working is... it's almost like magic, maybe you can call it that - ALEX INTERJECTS< suggests "synergy" ... REINER: "Yaah! That's what it is!" It creates synergies, we really like each other, we get along with each other, we're all doing the same thing, and have been doing this a long time and we don't care how many people try to disparage us or even try to cause us serious problems.

You may have heard OUR FRENCH COLLEAGUE 'Virginie de Araujo Recchia' WAS ARRESTED LAST WEEK.

[Alex says yes, there's video of that. Has Reiner continue.]

Reiner Fuellmich: She was arrested early in the morning. Her two very young children had to witness it. She was held in custody, I think three days. It didn't have anything to do with her participation in the Grand Jury investigation, rather, they claim that she was being held in custody and questioned because she was advising or representing a terrorist. It turns out 'the terrorist' was just someone asking questions and that's why they framed him as a terrorist.

And in effect, we don't think there was any cause for this - what this really meant to do was SEND A MESSAGE TO THE OTHER ATTORNEYS in France, because they can't intimidate her, A MESSAGE OF FEAR, if you're not in line with the government then we're going to go after you.

Something very similar happened in Germany about a year ago, when a judge in the City of Weimar SIMPLY APPLIED THE LAW. A mother of two underage children, 7 and 9 years old, came to him and asked for his help and said my children can't sleep, they have stomach aches, they're crying at night, they don't want to go to school anymore - they feel they're being tortured - this constant PCR testing, mask mandates, the social distancing, they want to play and they can't.

So the Judge said, "Well, I'm going to have to get some experts, expert witnesses to help me out on this and he got in touch with 3 renowned Professors from renowned Universities - one a PCR expert, another one a child psychologist, and another one who specializes in masks. Based on their evidence, their expert Opinions he cited this was illegal, this is unconstitutional, and ORDERED THE SCHOOL TO STOP! THESE PRACTICES!

So this is perfectly normal.

Three weeks later, HIS HOUSE, HIS OFFICE, HIS CAR WARS SEARCHED. His phone, his cell phone, his computer we seized. Same thing happened ton the three experts. The same thin happened to a friend of the judge simply because she was a friend of his. Same thing happened to a colleague, same thing happened to the lawyer who represented the children.

So this is what you're seeing pretty much everywhere in Europe and apparently in some other places as well, HOWEVER, IT''S NOT GOING TO DO THE TRICK, because it's just making people more & more angry and making people ask questions.

We're going to continue with our work. Really soon, we're going to have a strategy meeting, tomorrow, at our Berlin headquarters & WE'RE PROBABLY VERY SOON GOING TO START WITH... PHASE II.

Phase I was the Investigation, it was a real investigation... it was simply held outside the system but THERE'S GOING TO BE A PHASE II AND THAT'S A REAL TRIAL.

Like i said earlier we believe come the Fall things are going to come to a head - THERE MIGHT EVEN BE OUTRIGHT WAR. We hope we can still avoid it but I'm not very optimistic about this.

So after that, collapse, or crash, or maybe it's going to be WORLD WAR III, we don't know but things are LOOKING REALLY REALLY BAD right now.

After that, however, we're going to be able to enforce judgement because after that it's going to be the 20% - maybe 30% OF THE PEOPLE who have always been in the resistance, most of them we believe will survive. So I'm not trying to ???? Alex interrupts talking over Reiner... asks why a few months ago they suddenly backed off, because they saw some resistance?

Reiner: Yes but I do think it's part of their game plan however because they must have expected quite a few of us will not back down and more & more people are WAKING UP. And that's why they're looking and have this as part of their game plan, we believe, right from the start.

That's why they're moving into THEIR SECOND PHASE WHICH IS UKRAINE, the War in Ukraine.

ALEX BREAKS FOR COMMERCIAL... asks if their backing off is a sign of weakness..

REINER: No, I completely agree with you - THIS IS NOT A SIGN OF WEAKNESS, they're just letting go of the reigns for a short while, then they're going to PULL BACK HARD AGAIN. This is part of their deliberate attempt to confuse, disorient, and distract us.

It's meant to make people so disoriented that ultimately they're going to agree to anything they tell us - They being the people who are pulling the strings of the Anglo-American Financial Mafia which is based in the City of London not London but the city of London and it's fifth column in US, that's Wall Street.

We see some of the people who are pulling the strings including, maybe, Bill Gates but maybe someone else is pulling his strings and the Rockefellers, the Rothschild's.

These people own 146 Central Banks including the Fed, including the German Bundesbank, including the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Reiner: "But I have to CORRECT A MISTAKE I made. THE ACTUAL WEBSITE where you can see all the interviews we did with people like Dr Mike Yeadon (former VP at Pfizer), Professor Luc Montagnier [scientist] was a Nobel winner from France,

Professor Luc Montagnier discovered HIV and he months ago when we interviewed him, shortly before he died, he said, ...

"Well, if you test positive and you have to be hospitalized after you got vaccinated ... THAT PROBABLY MEANS YOU GOT AIDS... go see your doctor, go to a hospital, have them check for aids. As it turns out, he's right! That's what one of the Professors of Biologist from the University of ___ told us ... she said it looks like these shots, which of course are not vaccines, just experimental gene therapy, maybe not even therapies.

WHAT THEY'RE REALLY DOING IS SHUTTING OFF YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. That's why many people call it what it causes, now - ViAIDS, Vaccine Induced Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome. That's what happens, plus the blood clotting you mentioned.

-ALEX cuts in asks how'd they think they'd get away with this, start a war or something

Reiner: "They're in the process of starting a war. What we see in Ukraine, again, there's propaganda on both sides, but there is another side to this coin. And what we see in Ukraine, you probably know, and your viewers know, the NATO & Anglo American Financial Mafia are PUSHING FOR A WAR. They led the Ukraine people believe if they attacked Russia or take back Crimea back by force, they would get support from NATO but of course they didn't.

They're making pretty good progress w/ their warmongering. They even got the Swiss to forget their neutrality - they're not(?) always supplying Ukraine w/ all kinds of weapons - Germany is. I think those who didn't want to join NATO are now about to join NATO, Finland included.

Things seem to be going according to the plan but PART OF WHAT WE'RE SEEING IS SHEER DESPERATION, on the other side.

Of course they're making progress because they've had so much time for this - probably 30 years or made concrete plans for 10 years.

ALEX JONES: They're having success in the collapse but not success in covering up who's running it..

REINER FUELLMICH: Exactly! We're onto them. In fact the latest thing we found out about Klaus Schwab, whom you just mentioned, the head of their most important platform, this is where they meet in DAVOS once a year. Klaus Schwab and his World Economic forum, everybody thought it's an European invention - they founded it in Europe because Klaus Schwab was so smart. NO. Not so.

One of the experts who we interviewed last Friday, an Investigative Journalist by the name of Johnny Vedmore, he's the partner of Whitney Webb, another Investigative Journalist. He dug deeply into his family history. Turns out Klaus Schwab's father tried to help out the Nazis, TRIED TO HELP HIM BUILD AN ATOMIC BOMB, and Klaus Schwab tried the very same in the 1960's while developing HIS WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM

23:00 Klaus Schwab tried to help the South African Apartheid regime build up their own nuclear power - give them the power to make nuclear bombs. This is illegal. This is against international Law. This guy's a mon???ster??? ALEX INTERRUPTED HIM SO LOUD i COULD HER WHAT REINER SAID. --

Reiner: And it turns out, maybe their own wrong-doing pushed them into an early start - because as I said earlier, we should have known that the financial industry is really a Financial Mafia when we saw what happened after we saw what happened after the crisis of Lehman Bro's - the housing crisis which turned into the World Economic Crisis, because nothing happened despite the fact the politicians said they were going to stop this for once & for all & "we're going to hold everyone responsible" ... nothing happened except that they printed money.

AND THEN... in September of 2019 when the Central Bankers met in Jackson Hole, Wyoming... which they do once a year,

BLACKROCK SEEMS TO HAVE PANICKED, because we are in possession of this summary they did for this meeting and they basically said (not using these very same words that I'm using),


We've got to do something drastic in order to distract their attention!' And that's why I think they had an early start. They pushed Drustan to invent two falsehoods - two fraudulent assertions:

1: There are asymptomatic infections & of course they're not. There's no such thing - asymptomatic infected people are healthy people.

And 2. I have Drustan has invented a PCR Test that can tell you who really is infected' when in fact can do no such thing & this guy knew it and is lying and we can show it in a court of law.

Unfortunately the World Health Organization (WHO) published this and recommended this PCR testing so that is the basis, that's the FOUNDATION for everything and that's why we and all my lawsuits and my colleagues have decided to ATTACK AT THIS FOUNDATION.

Because if there's no cases, because the PCR test can not tell you anything about infections, then there's no basis, no factual and no legal basis for any of the measures, let alone for the so-called vaccinations.

SO IT WAS BLACKROCK that led us to believe, and I think this is a correct assumption, they were pushed into an early start AND THAT GIVES US AN EARLY ADVANTAGE OVER THEM, because they're in a hurry.

They are the ones who are really panicking because they know if they don't succeed in distracting us from what they have done - if they don't keep us from waking up, we're going to hold them responsible.

This time we're not going to let the politicians do it but we're going to do it ourselves because we have to do it ourselves.

THERE IS NO CAVALRY THAT'S GOING TO COME TO OUR AID. There's no foreign power that's going to come to our aid, no allies that are going to FREE GERMANY or any other country. We, WE THE PEOPLE MUST RISE UP & DO IT because if we don't, things are going to get a lot worse and this is going to be THE END OF HUMANITY because this is what this is about.

These people are sociopaths and psychopaths and they do want to gain control over all of us by creating this One World Government and One World Digital Currency.

If we don't do anything, we can see what's going to happen in Australia. One of the people we talked to last Friday, a German whose been living there for 25 years, told us that while in the meantime, while they seemingly are having no restrictions, THIS IS JUST THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM, you said, what he said too. This leads people in Australia not to do anything. There's no demonstration no more, because there's no restrictions... however, they have all these QUARANTINE CENTERS which he says looks like CONCENTRATION CAMPS that reminded him of?????? WHERE??? Alex Jones interupts yelling over him saying what he knows, it's not 14 days, now its a month, they are reducation camp etc. Ughh.
Anyway back to Reiner: "What we are afraid is going to happen is that come fall, they're going to really use this, not to quarentine people who test positive or who are not vaccinated - well those too, but people who are in the RESISTANCE, that's what he was afraid of (Reiner's German friend) and on top of this he says he and some other investigate journalist took a deep dive into the government and he says, IT'S LIKE A PYRAMID. What he used to think, only at the top they infiltrate their people but no ????-- ALEX JONES INTERRUPTS AGAIN SAYING HE FOUND THAT OUT ... then says, 'I didn't mean to STEAL YOUR THUNDER but what do you think we need to do when faced with something that monstrous?'

Reiner Fuellmich: "Well, basically 2 things: DON'T PANIC because that's what they want us to do - that's what this is all about, disorient us, put us into panic mode, so don't panic and simply... this is the best thing to do, this is what a psychologist told us to do, TURN OFF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA, don't listen to our politicians because THEY'RE NOT OUR POLITICIANS, and get the truth out. Look at for example, look at what you're doing, look what many ??? AJ INTERRUPTS AGAIN trying to repeat what Reiner said in words he thinks he met...

Reiner: "Exactly, because WE'RE NOT THE VICTIMS. We're the ones who can turn this thing around - because us, the 20% who are in the RESISTANCE. We not the ones who simply follow orders. We're the ones who are creative - we ask questions. We're creative. We are the ones, probably the only ones, our 20%, maybe it's a little more in the not-so- developed countries as they say but we're ???? ALEX JONES INTERRUPTS AGAIN before he finishes his sentence ...

Back to Reiner: "And you know, we shouldn't fight the system - it's collapsing anyhow. We should simply SET UP A PARALLEL SYSTEM of Justices, of Economics, of Healthcare, and Education. We can do it and ?????... ALEX JONES INTERRUPTS Reiner before he finishes his thought again.

Reiner: And it is only a matter of time, THIS WHOLE THING IS COLLAPSING right now. We shouldn't just sit there and not do anything... but as you said we should continue to get out the Truth, decimate this information so that as many people as possible understand what's going on including that 40% WHO ARE STILL SITTING ON THE FENCE - many of them are beginning to ask questions, even those who got vaccinated because they don't think it makes any sense they need another, and another, and another shot and in the meantime MODERNA GOT AN EUA APPROVAL for their Aids Vaccine. What is this all about? They create the prob???? ..
ALEX JONES INTERRUPTS HIM MID SENTENCE - said 2 minute break then asks what's this aids connection.

Reiner: I don't know... really if the Aids virus was inserted in this virus. We know there's been all kinds of experiments, gain of function experiments which seem to have - what they wanted to do is make the virus more dangerous, make it jump from animal to human

- What I do know after having listened & interviewed so many experts is, that this is a VACCINE INDUCED Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome. We don't know how this is happening. We've had a number of pathology conferences, there's now 50 pathologists cooperating here - they looked, they performed postmortems on dozens of people and come to the conclusion that about 70% of those who died after getting the shots DEFINITELY DIED BECAUSE OF THE SHOTS, so there is causation there. And another 20% there's a high possibility that is the case, and there's ONLY TWO CASES which they came to the conclusion it wasn't caused by the vaccines.

However, these vaccines as you pointed out rightly, ARE NOT VACCINES, they're experimental - not even gene therapies as one of the professors from France told us but GENE EXPERIMENTS. You can use mRNA technique for gene therapy - that's a recognized way of using mRNA techniques but through this you replace a defective gene w/ another one. That is NOT what's happening here.

They're experimenting and we don't know what they're using. Some of our EXPERTS HAVE LOOKED INTO THE VIALS to see what's in there. We still don't know what really in there, cause you know why? Because no one, none of the public authorities, which have been taken over by all these private institutions... you probably know that the FDA is funded at least 50-60% by the pharmaceutical industries. So none of them really check this.

They're supposed to do this because they're working in the public's best interest, but they're not. They simply trust the makers of these vaccines. So that's what these are all about.

..ALEX INJECTS... Reiner says, Yes. They just do whatever they want to do. This is a free for-all.

No one is checking on anything in no country, w/ some acceptations of maybe the African countries and maybe India as well. And it's probably no coincidence that IN INDIA THE JUDICIARY STILL WORKS pretty well. The Highest Court in a final decision in India decided that vaccine mandates are illegal.

So we have to fight this, we have to continue to fight this without any violence because that's what they want. If they get the violence, violence on the streets, that is there excuse to bring in their own forces and we don't want that to happen.

Attorney Reiner Fuellmich of https://www.fuellmich.com/ joins The Alex Jones Show to break down what is behind the economic collapse ahead of the globalists Great Reset.

Reiner Fuellmich 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺, [3/30/2022 12:09 PM]
[ Photo ]
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on the Alex Jones Show
Today: March 30th

🕚 11 AM to 3 PM CST

(https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/)Interview with Reiner Fuellmich starting at:
🕛 1 p.m. CDT (https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/) (US Central Time)

An interview about the ➥ Corona-Investigative-Committee.com, the ➥ Grand-Jury.net Proceeding,

and the ➥ CrimesAgainstHumanityTour.com that Dr. Reiner Fuellmich will participate in between April and June.

Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, go to the channel here:

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