April 1, 2022

2 years ago

ANTIFA: Be The Light You Want To See In The World

Self-described "communist revolutionary" (with weak throwing arm) chucks Molotov cocktail at police, falls short, and gives one of his brothers-in-arms / mostly peaceful protestors a hot foot.

Since he was sentenced to 10 years in prison this week, and given that he's a homegrown terrorist from right here in the Hoosier state, it seemed like an appropriate time to commemorate his heroic action in the face of the enemy with a short video. Enjoy!

Link to article: https://thepostmillennial.com/blm-antifa-rioter-pleads-guilty-over-fire-bombing-attack-to-kill-portland-police?fbclid=IwAR2CRxjgFr4XJYRhZUO3-dcD4iBrX-jJVdh5H-V7Skr1jQnjPxxMN6CTNk8

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