Billerica Mass. Election Endorsements Get Out and Vote Sat April 2nd

2 years ago

Billerica Mass. Election Endorsements Get Out and Vote Sat April 2nd

Billerica is not a city and does not want to become one, because cities strip away the love people have for their own community and if Billerica isn't very careful it can and will happen here. Vote Wisely for candidates with Billerica Pride and who are not just out for their own best interests.

For Select Board you have two votes: Use one for Darlene Torre (Bullet Vote), because other two candidates have public records that do not serve the best interests of our community. The Select Board keeps the Town Officials who do not reside in Our Community in check to prevent them from building up their personal resume` by running up out tax rates and rates/fees, along with promoting frivolous proposals that will destroy Our Town Community Setting.

For Planning Board You have three votes, select: Kelley Sardina, Janet Morris, and Mike Parker: The Future of Our Town Depends on it.

School Committee (You have two votes): Annette Famolare and Michaela Michaud. School Committee

(One Year one vote select): Brandon Gonzalez.

Billerica’s Youth need Education and Not Indoctrination!

If you don’t understand you should watch and listen closely to this short video of an interview with James Howard Kunstler an American author, social critic, and public speaker. He is best known for his books The Geography of Nowhere, a history of American suburbia and urban development, The Long Emergency, and Too Much Magic.

*Transforming Our Communities into a place where beauty is deemphasized, developing a community into a place that never will never be worthy of your affection.

*Turning Main Street into a six lane highway! (Most of you should recall the Town Center Project that was approved by Town Meeting and concerned citizens had to scramble to get enough signatures for a special town wide election; they did, and the project was rejected overwhelmingly by the residents of Billerica)

* Entropy Made Visible
FYI Entropy definition:, Entropy is A Force In Physics that drives things towards death or a measure of the disorder that exists in a system.

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