Last chance, food and energy shortages and more. Predicted a decade ago.

2 years ago

Yep I'm still 'bangin' on about it after all these years but now it is obvious to even the most late person that we are heading into hellish times at an ever increasing rate.
Every time you lose a day.

Prepare now, connect and help each other before you are forced to accept the shit that will be offered, this was always the plan and how it would play out as we predicted over a decade ago on You(are a)Tube, (SH)bitchute etc.
If you still think me a fool then why are you here?
We are not fools, we see and know we are free and that scares the shit out of the system.
Stay strong and I hope to meet some of you in the future but until then I'll keep 'bangin' on.

Much L❤ve


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