Last night in Sweden Part 12

2 years ago
Ukraine's biolab researchers get a safe haven for their activities in Sweden:
Martin Stensö asks why it is so important that the research that the Russians are bombing in Ukraine is allowed to continue in Sweden, also with support of 50 million SEK from three of the largest Wallenberg foundations. Why should the research be moved temporarily to Sweden and then moved back to Ukraine after the war is over? Why is it so important?
On Wednesday 30 March 2022, the government, led by Minister of Education Anna Ekström, held a press conference to present a government mandate for Ukrainian researchers and their lab activities to be relocated to Sweden. The press conference was attended by Maria Thufveson, Director and Deputy Director General of the Swedish Research Council and Sara Mazur, Strategic Research Director of the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
The purpose of the Swedish Research Council is to fund research, to advise the government and to stimulate international research collaboration. The Wallenberg Foundations typically invest around SEK 2 billion per year in research. They also control law schools in the Baltic States.
Anna Ekström says:
"For the researchers who are now fleeing to the EU and to Sweden, it is important to be able to find a safe haven at a university and continue their work and research there. The research that was carried out in Ukraine should be able to continue as far as possible."
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, for example, has allocated SEK 30 million and the HK Foundation SEK 50 million to support these researchers. The list is long of Swedish organisations helping these researchers.

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