Angelina Jolie Discussing Celebrity Illuminati Rituals & Sacrifices

2 years ago

In 1999, an anonymous source secretly filmed Angelina Jolie talking to 2 close friends about her initiation into the Illuminati. She explains the gruesome rituals and torture by other members in the cult.

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I appreciate that you take the time to watch the videos that I post. Some are video clips from other sources that the Holy Spirit inspires me to download and share with you who subscribe to my Rumble channel and/or choose to watch videos on my Rumble channel. Every video that I upload requires video and audio editing before I upload them to my Rumble channel. Some take very little editing, and some take quite a bit of intense, meticulous editing of audio and video aspects of each one. Some of the videos that the Holy Spirit inspires me to download from other sources to share on my Rumble channel require quite a bit of "cleaning up" because of poor audio quality, poor video image quality, faded color processing in the original, abhorrent audio quality in original clips, etc., etc. Because of those things, and because of the disability that affects both of my hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders, as well as my neck and my back, it takes me longer to prepare and post videos than it does for other video content creators, but I enjoy it because the Holy Spirit inspires every single video, and He helps me do the work. Jesus is so very faithful. .
Once in a while one (or more) piece(s) of my equipment/gear breaks down and/or fails completely. My monthly disability insurance pension income does not afford me the luxury to just purchase the specific part{s) and/or replacement(s), so I have set up a GiveSendGo account in order to give viewers the opportunity to donate to my channel, should the Holy Spirit impress them/you to do that. Please DO NOT take that as pressure. It is a bit difficult to communicate things in writing because without eye contact and viewers' ability to hear the tone of my voice, it is rather difficult to ascertain the emotion and/or lack thereof in the words being shared. PLEASE DO NOT DONATE JUST ON A WHIM. LET THE HOLY SPIRIT BE THE ONE WHO INSPIRES YOU TO GIVE TO ANYONE. The Holy Spirit is very precise and faithful to the truth when He speaks to us about giving, and about anything and everything He says, because the Holy Spirit ONLY says what our Father in heaven says and tells Him to speak to us.
If the Holy Spirit has inspired you to donate to my channel, the information for you to do so is directly below. Thank you for giving!
Thanks again!
God bless you in Jesus' name.

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