Vaccine Injury Faith Healing

2 years ago

Welcome to this healing meditation. This meditation takes you to Creator of all that is.

In this meditation, I use the word Imagine. When you imagine, you are witnessing. Witnessing is part of healing. You are witnessing healing in your body and in your life through your imagination.

To prepare for this meditation, you can say yes to these downloads.

I am connected to the Creator of all.

I am impervious to evil.

I heal easily.

Every day I am healthier.

Every day I am stronger.

I know how to witness healing from the Creator.

I know how to accept healing from the Creator.

Every day I am more connected to the Creator.

I am safe and embraced in Creator’s perfect love.

Focus on your pineal gland. Imagine a stream of white light flowing into the pineal gland. The pineal gland is in the middle of your brain. This light purifies your pineal gland. Purifying the pineal gland makes it easier to witness healing in your body. The light goes from the pineal gland and into your heart. You are now centered in your heart. Inhale in and out. All the sadness leaves your heart. All the sorrow leaves the heart. Pure joy fills your heart. Love enters your heart and your heart sends out love. You connect to your soulfamily and your soulmate through the love that goes in and out of your heart. You are your own unique self. You are loved and accepted the way you are now. You will begin to vibrate even higher now. You will begin a journey into the atoms and outwards to reach all that is, both inwardly and outwardly. To do this, you will go further into your body. Every time you witness a part of your body with your consciousness, you bring in Creator’s pure love and light and this witness will restore your body to perfect balance and harmony. These downloads will help you:

I am impervious to manipulation.

I am impervious to liars.

I am impervious to abusive personality types.

I am one with Creator of all that is.

It is safe for me to be one with Creator of all.

Notice how there is life force all around you and you are sharing space with this life force. It is connecting to you on a subatomic level. You and this life force chi energy are becoming stronger every breath you take. You begin to vibrate at an even higher rate now. You and the universe are sharing space.

You are sharing molecules with the golden light above the universe. Everything becomes this golden light. You and this golden light are one, and you are going even deeper.

You are now traveling above this golden light. You are traveling through a jelly-like substance that is all the spiritual and physical laws. You connect to the law of truth and the law of compassion. You are one with wisdom. You become one with the light above these laws. This light is white, iridescent, and sparkling. It is pure joy and love.

There is only energy here. You are one with this energy. Now you are one with all that is. This is the energy inside all the atoms. You have become small as an atom and at the same time, you are connecting to all that is. Everything is connected. This is the Creator of all that is. This is the energy of instantaneous healing. Travel through this light.

Ask the Creator of all to do mitochondrial healing of your body. Mitochondria is the energy center inside of your cells and the home of your spirit. Visualise your spiritual light growing bright inside and around the mitochondria. This will strengthen the spiritual body inside the physical body. This also strengthens the physical body.

Ask the Creator to pull out harmful radiation in your body. Imagine radiation leaving your body and going into the Creator's light.

Ask the Creator to restore and strengthen your white and red blood cells. These downloads will help:

I am loved.

I am strong.

I am healthy.

I have good boundaries.

I know how to take good care of myself.

I know what it feels like to be loved.

I know what it feels like to be appreciated.

Imagine these downloads enter your consciousness through beams of light.

Ask the Creator to restore any damage done to your DNA.

Imagine Creator's light healing and repairing your DNA. Any damage done through radiation, viruses, or toxins is removed and changed to be perfectly healthy DNA.

Ask the Creator to restore the telomers at the end of your DNA that causes aging. Ask the Creator to grow back the telomers. Ask the Creator to take out harmful programs of aging. Ask the Creator to give you the programs of:

I am young and healthy.

I am always rejuvenating.

If any tumor suppressor genes have been turned off in any kind of way, ask the Creator of all to turn on tumor suppressor genes again and repair/install tumor suppressor genes in the highest and best way with grace and ease.

Thank you, Creator, it is done it is done it is done.

Any inserted genes from gene-modification injections, ask the Creator to restore your natural DNA. These downloads will help:

I know the Creator of all can heal my DNA.

I know what it feels like to receive healing from the Creator of all.

I accept healing from the Creator of all.

Ask Creator of all to Restore your innate immunity. These downloads will help:

Every day I am stronger.

My immune system protects me.

I have a fully functioning immune system.

If you have been poisoned in any way, and there are substances in your body that are harmful to your health, ask the Creator to remove the poisons. Imagine the poison leaving your body and going into the Creator’s light.

Ask the Creator to take away fearful throughs that harm you your physical and mental health. Ask for Creator’s truth and understanding in how to live your best life in a joyful way.

Thank you, Creator, it is done, it is done, it is done.

Imagine any parasitic energies and substances in your body that are harmful to you, go into the Creator’s light. These downloads will help you:

I am in control in my life.

I have self-determination.

I have bodily autonomy.

I can say no.

I honor and respect my boundaries and the boundaries of others.

People respect my boundaries.

I have mutual fulfilling and joyful relationships in my life.

Thank you, Creator. It is done, it is done, it is done.

Ask the Creator to gently detox your body in the highest and best way with grace and ease. Thank you it is done, it is done, it is done.

These downloads will help you:

I have faith in the Creator.

I know what it feels like to be connected to the Creator.

I am joyful.

I am optimistic.

I am happy.

I learn my lessons with joy and peace.

I am peaceful.

I have joyful connections in my life.

I know what it is like to celebrate life.

I love life.

I love being alive.

I respect my life.

I am thankful for my life.

I am thankful to the Creator who sustains me.

Thank you, Creator, it is done, it is done, it is done.

Ask Creator to restore your nervous system. Imagine Creator’s white light healing your nervous system, including restoring your gut bacteria and restoring all the prions in your body.

Thank you, Creator, it is done, it is done, it is done.

At last, we will ask the Creator to heal us from harmful viruses and bacteria.

To heal from viruses, you must know that you are worthy of love, abundance, and healing.

To heal from bacteria, you must know that you can and are letting go of shame, guilt, and regret.

Into both yourself and into the viruses, download the following programs: I am worthy of love, giving and receiving love, I am worthy of being healthy, I am worthy of using my talents, I am worthy of being rewarded for my efforts and for using my talents, I am worthy of prosperity. I am worthy of being regarded. I am worthy of friendships and happy relationships. I am worthy of loving relationships in my life. Thank you, Creator, it is done, it is done, it is done.

Into both yourself and bacteria, download the following programs: I love myself. I forgive myself. I am forgiven. I let go of regret. I let go of guilt. I let go of shame. I know how to make Creator proud, and I do.

Thank you, Creator, it is done, it is done, it is done.

Ask the Creator to balance your male and female energies in your body. Yin and Yang in perfect harmony.

Ask the Creator to align all of your chakras in your body.

Thank you, Creator, it is done, it is done, it is done.

Download: I have Creator's truth, discernment, wisdom, and perspective on how I can best move forward in life and fulfill my divine destiny, in a way that makes me joyful, fulfilled, happy, and in a way that makes Creator proud.

Thank you, Creator, it is done, it is done, it is done.

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