Katie Hobbs, MSM and THE LAPTOP, MSM and Russia, Dollars to Rubles, Child sex crimes, DC swamp

2 years ago

Katie Hobbs is a criminal; MSM reveals laptop; Russia mythology Dominates the US media; Destruction of US dollar; KJB enabled by Dems and media; Conspiracy? REALRAWNEWS: Putin offers to drain DC Swamp!

Thegatewaypundit.com (Arizona Atty General Mark Brnovich reers criminal action against AZ SOS Katie Hobbs for election crimes) (House freedom caucus members want madison cawthorn to "name names" after explosive DC swamp coke, orgy claims)(After a year and a half of media blackouts and denials suddenly ABC, NBC, CNN report honestly on Hunter Biden laptop) (Russian Mythology Dominates the US media)
(Will Russia's invasion in ukraine destroy the US dollar or will Biden do it all by himself?)

Stillnessinthestorm.com (New WaPo article confirms what conservative news sources have been reporting for almost 2 years)

europerenaissance.com (The end of the dollar dominance and catastrophe for the euro)

Thefederalist.com (Democrats and media enablers are overlooking child sex crimes to protect KBJ)

Realrawnews.com ( Putin offers to drain Washington DC swamp)

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