Why Do Our Free Clients Suffer?

2 years ago


“If I could shout only one message to the whole world regarding life’s secrets, it would be this: That you cannot get something for nothing, but that you can have the best of everything when you give full measure for the good you wish to receive.” – Catherine Ponder


Law of Reciprocity, Law of Circulation, Law of give and take, cause and effect, You reap what you sow.

I, Bear, have done energy healing on a client who has not returned any of the exchange back to me. It seems what comes out of her mouth is generally critical and ungrateful. She said she will pay me but that is just an empty promise. Everytime I see her she has more tradgedies and hardships to tell me.

Dr. Mikao Usui said that when he healed people for free, they would have the same problems returning back to them. These type of people are not invested. They do not take personal responsibility for owning and maintaining their healing.

Test this out.

Try this, give a smile to the person in front of you and ask them if they can help you.

Now, try putting a grudge towards the person in front of you and asking the person if they can help you.

What happened?

When People Give Equal Exchange and More?

From my personal experience as Rainbow, and my friends’, too, those who spend more on achieving what they want actually reap more of what they want and are closer to it.

How can it backfire on you if you don’t give more than enough?

When something is not valued it is not respected or upheld. The energy of putting in lack puts out lack results.
Whenever we tried to get anything for free, it would flop.
What do we mean? When we didn’t invest in our education, in our relationships, in our health, it would show in the prospering of it, or the lack of it.

How do we turn from the stingy mentality and operate from giving more than enough mentality?

The highly successful are successful because they give to the measure of what they reap.
You can give in your time, your money, your education, your experience, commitment, gifts, support, listening, love, even forgiveness. How many of you give back in time, money, gifts, or energy in some form to your source, your God, your ancestors, or whomever or whatever you pray to?

I educate myself when I realize it will empower me on the path that I meant to be on.
I put in the blood, sweat, and tears to go through the learning experiences.
I give my time, my energy, my heart and soul to whatever I pursue.

Now there is a way to give in an imbalanced way. The results will tell you that it is imbalanced.
You may feel drained if you overgive. You may feel resentment when you overgive.

On the other hand, you may not have good things coming back to you if you don’t give enough.

This concept of giving in balanced ways is why people can suffer.
It applies everywhere, from giving Reiki healing sessions, to giving in a romantic relationship, to giving to your family, your spouse, your partner, your children, your clients.

Are you giving right, thinking right, acting right, living right? This question is according to Catherine Ponder who has books on the Dynamic Laws of Prosperity.


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