Fran Amato, professional family court advocate..Or not?

2 years ago

Fran Amato did a livestream on March 29,2022 on her YouTube channel, Punished No More & Free to Protect calling into question the professional behavior of a Dr. Nathanson, with alleges of misconduct. Amato claims to be a family court advocate and a court watcher for 14 years. Amato allegedly has strong religious beliefs which apparently spill over into her parental responsibility beliefs and/or practices. She has also had her own issues with the NY family courts, regarding custody of her own child. At one time, she allegedly worked with, or at least, followed some of the theories/ideologies/practices of Chris Hallett, who was the CEO of EClause before his death. It has been noted on some social media platforms, that Amato apparently supports some of the sovereign citizen beliefs and/or methods. There has been, at one time, allegations that Amato may be taking advantage of parents struggling with issues dealing with CPS, for monetary gains.

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