Hike + Message Series #4. Day Hike to Lake Moultrie.

2 years ago

Hey Friends!
Today I'm taking the dogs to Lake Moultrie on the Palmetto Trail. This is one of many local trails I love taking them to, so they can get some of that crazy shepherd energy out!
As for the message, today I want to talk to you about what is real and what is an illusion. Yes, I'm getting on my social media soapbox again. (Heaven help us all!) But in all seriousness I really believe we've been fooled into believing the lives we create virtually are just as good as the real thing. It's a bit of a lengthy one, but I encourage you to stay for the whole message where we discuss meaningful relationships, counterfeit vs. true joy, and the narcissistic side these platforms bring out of us.
Since putting together this video, I've actually deleted my Facebook and Instagram accounts. And you know what? I feel pretty free!

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Outro music: "Carry On" by The New Valleys

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