What did Mark Brnovich Just do in Arizona?

2 years ago

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In a letter sent Tuesday, Attorney General Mark Brnovich delegated his powers to enforce criminal action against crooked Katie Hobbs for shutting down the online candidate petition portal and intentionally violating the law.

the secretary of state shall provide a system for qualified electors to sign a nomination petition … for [candidates for statewide and legislative offices] by way of a secure internet portal.

On January 18th, The Attorney General’s office issued the following warning to the Secretary of State:

a public officer upon whom a duty is imposed by Title 16, who knowingly fails or refuses to perform that duty in the manner prescribed by law or knowingly acts in violation of any provision of such law, is guilty of either a class 6 felony or class 3 misdemeanor. A.R.S. §§ 16-1009, -1010. The Attorney General is required to enforce the provisions of Title 16 through civil and criminal actions in any election for members of the legislature. A.R.S. § 16-1021.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Brnovich threatened to jail Katie Hobbs for this election law violation, and Hobbs then sued Brnovich requesting injunctive relief. The Judge denied her request for protection if she decided to break the law.

Katie Hobbs did not back down from disenfranchising voters. Earlier this month, Hobbs closed the online petition portal (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/03/soros-backed-secretary-state-katie-hobbs-violates-arizona-state-election-law-shutting-election-petition-system-certain-candidates/) for certain candidates in violation of the law.

Only candidates for statewide office, like herself, can now use the online petition portal. Hobbs was warned by Brnovich months ago, and she chose to proceed with this elections law violation.

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