INFINITE ENERGY WITH MAGNETS 🧲💡💡 | Homemade DIY At Home | Tesla Method

3 years ago

Is there such a thing as infinite energy? Is there a world conspiracy to prevent us from knowing that infinite energy is possible? Tesla wanted a world with unlimited free energy, but Faraday wanted to get rich and created Faraday's Law, which states that to generate electric current with electromagnetic induction, it is necessary to apply a movement that expends energy, so it cannot be generated infinitely. When Tesla confronted Faraday, he ended up at the stake and his ideas disappeared until today.

In this circuit we will test Faraday's theory and see if infinite energy can really be generated from an electromagnetic induction circuit. What do you think will happen?

WOW FITE ENERGY WITH GNETS homemade diy at home 2021 Tesla Method. Infinite energy, unlimited energy. infinite energy with magnets, free energy magnet generator homemade, tesla's theory infinite energy, tesla's theory infinite energy, free energy, free energy tesla

00:00 Introduction
00:15 Faraday's Law and its lies
00:53 The creation of the circuit begins
02:00 We attach the bulb to the circuit
02:47 Faraday's Electrical Conspiracy
03:16 The circuit screw
04:06 Faraday's revenge and Tesla's death
05:25 Tesla's technology
05:55 The Crazy Channel Merchandising store
06:30 Tesla's circuit tested
07:24 Conspiracy revealed

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