Poison Control Centers warning of exposures to Sodium Azide on COV test kit

2 years ago



Human toxicity from COV rapid home test kits


Poison Warning Issued on Home COV Test Kits after More than 200 People Poisoned


PREP Act Immunity from Liability for COV Vaxxinators


Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act
The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (Secretary) to issue a PREP Act declaration. The declaration provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims:

of loss caused, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from administration or use of countermeasures to diseases, threats and conditions
determined by the Secretary to constitute a present, or credible risk of a future public health emergency
to entities and individuals involved in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution, administration, and use of such countermeasures


Biden: “President Trump and I agree” on COV Booster Shots – FEMA and Troops Deployed to Increase Vaxxination Rates


Abbott’s BinaxNOW COV Home Test Kit contains a lethal drug, sodium azide, that has a history of killing people even in small doses.

Poison control centers around the US have sounded the alarm over the home test kits as more than 200 reports of poisoning have been reported from exposure to this chemical.

These test kits are not FDA approved, but were fast-tracked through emergency use authorization as
the Biden Administration spent $3 billion to purchase and make available COV home testing kits.

Almost all COV products are pure junk, either having no health benefit to the consumer, or worse,
harming and killing the consumer, from masks, to COV test kits, to ventilators, to vaxxines.
If something goes wrong with one of these fast-tracked products and you are harmed, or killed,
you cannot sue the manufacturer.
COV Home Test Kit has a history of killing people even in small doses.

These test kits are NOT FDA approved, but were fast-tracked through emergency use authorization as the
Biden Administration invoked the Defense Protection Act to spend $3 BILLION to purchase and make available a half billion of these COV home testing kits for all Americans.

President Biden spoke from the White House today to try and convince all Americans to “get vaccinated” to protect themselves from the dreaded “Omicron COV vixus.”

As has been his practice from the beginning, he started out by lying to the American people by stating that 400,000 Americans have now died from COV this year, and that almost all of them were “unvaccinated.”

Of course to put this lie in context, one must understand that a person who receives a COV shot is not considered “vaxxinated” until 2 weeks after they receive the shot.

So if someone dies right after getting injected with the bioweapon shots, before two weeks have passed, in their view that person was “unvaccinated.”

In addition to this, it has been well-documented by many healthcare workers working in hospitals that earlier this year they were told to stop counting “breakthrough cases,” which means someone was diagnosed with COV even though they were “vaxxinated.”

Also, Anthony Fauci just stated this past weekend that the CDC will probably soon change the definition of “vaxxinated” to only include those who are up-to-date on their booster shots, which would mean that everyone who has already taken the full dosage of the existing shots but have not yet taken the booster, will be labeled as “unvaxxinated.”

But the strongest evidence that Biden and others are lying every time they state that the unvaxxinated are dying or filling up the hospitals with COV cases


Thanks to PROJECTGRAYMAN for pointing out this information


original link from Click On Detroit | Local 4 | WDIV


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