Megiddo II: The New Age

2 years ago

This documentary focuses on the origins and history of the New Age Movement. It explores the Christian beliefs of our nation's Fathers, and how those convictions have intentionally been diminished in our culture, and replaced with pagan & occult theology.

Is the New Age Movement really new, or is it something that's based on the ancient lie of Lucifer? The film also debunks Darwin's Theory of Evolution, which has been thoroughly debunked for what it is, a modern form of Mysticism--a faith-based system that the New Age Movement has been forcing down the throat of America for over 100 years now
Let's not forget that Hitler, a disciple of Theosophy, depended heavily upon the teachings of Darwin in order to justify his Nazi Movement. After all, it was originally proposed by Darwin that only "Favoured Races" could survive the process of Natural Selection. Whereas, so-called inferior races could not.
Read the complete title of Darwin's "Origin of Species" book. That's not the complete title of the book, nor is the book's complete title ever shown in it's entirety, because it actually reads as follows: "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in The Struggle for Life."

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