(雙語字幕)Exclusive Eyewitness Account: I Saw Over 1000 Bodies in Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University

3 years ago

Jennifer's exclusive interview with a medical professional who has worked at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University during the peak of COVID19 pandemic, from Jan. to Mar 2020. In order to protect the eyewitness, his voice has been distorted.
Timecode of main sessions:
0:00 Inside Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University 在中南醫院之內
8:04 The Actual vs. The Reported Numbers 實際數字與公佈數字
9:43 Why Did So Many Die? 死亡數字爲何如此驚人?
11:18 Death Toll in Wuhan 武漢到底死了多少人?
12:39 "I Wasn't Scared, But I Was Hurt" 「我不害怕,但我很傷心」
14:17 "I Saw Military Trucks Loaded with Soldiers and Guns" 「我看見載滿持槍士兵的軍用卡車」
19:32 What Happened to the Bodies? 那些屍體怎樣了?
22:15 The CCP Government Refused to do Tests 中共拒絕做病毒檢測
25:22 "Most of Us Lived as a Zombie" 「我們活得像行屍走肉一般」
25:50 "I Never Trusted the Government. I Gave Up on Them" 「我從未相信過政府 我放棄了對他們的期望」
27:55 When Did The Situation Peak? 疫情何時達到高峯?
30:32 An Incident That I can't Get Over 我目睹的一件慘事
32:28 By Default, Treat Everything the CCP Says as a Lie 請將中共所說的每一句話默認爲謊言
35:22 Dr. Li Wenliang's "Suspicious" Infection and Possible "Murder" 李文亮醫生可疑的感染及被謀殺的可能性

#Wuhan #COVID #COVID19

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