Barrasso tells America First Energy Forum Biden 'All Hat, No Cattle'

2 years ago

Neil W. McCabe, the national political editor of The Star News Network, attended the March 31, 2022, Washington-based America First Policy Institute forum "Unleashing U.S. Energy Dominance," where Sen. John A. Barrasso III (R.-Wyo.), the ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, gave the keynote address.

Barrasso told the audience of conservative and energy policy leaders
that President Joseph R. Biden Jr. was a disappointment because he made big promises, but he has no follow-through. "In Wyoming, when people make all these statements but don't have anything to show for it, they say: 'All hat and no cattle.'"

The senator said if Biden was serious about fixing the energy economy, he would do three things: Call off the regulatory attack dogs targeting energy producers, loosen the permitting for pipelines and natural gas export terminals and stop vilifying Americans working in the oil and gas industry.

Read more at The Star News Network

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