Melbourne Detective - Sendai, Japan March 2011

2 years ago


(Pronounced: Kishi Kaisei)

Translation: "Wake from death and return to life"

Meaning: To come out of a desperate situation and make a complete return in one sudden burst.

Melbourne Detective - Sendai, Japan March 2011
Background - Providing food, clothing and supplies to survivors
Assist to document damage and alert Japanese Self Defense Forces if we found survivors, and or the dead.

"For those we left behind. I am sorry,
Your lips could not call us,
Your eyes could not see us looking for you,
You came for me that night when I left,
To show the world of darkness to me,
The fading into the darkness,
The vanishing into nothing,
So that I may be brave, and have courage in this life,
That I would go on to help the helpless,
To hear their cries,
To see their helplessness."


Rest In Peace - The Thousands of Souls who perished on 11 March 2011 - My Prayers are always with you all.

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