Casual Christianity

2 years ago

I hope we all leave behind casual Christianity and go all in with God. It is a good day to flesh out and let the truth of God reign in our lives, giving Him total access to our lives. Yes, it is a good day, on this day, to leave casual Christianity behind and close the gaps in our soul that keep our heart divided. We should have an undivided heart of loyalty in our relationship with God, because He does for us, the cross is our constant reminder of that. Our YES should be on the table with God, so much so that it obliterates our personal comfort zone. God should have total access to our lives, yet casual Christianity has a heart that is full of compartments that God is not allowed in. We need to decompartmentalize our soul and become wholly-holy His. Christianity was never meant to be convenient. The heart of the Gospel is radical change. Jesus ushered in the most disruptive peace to the chaos of the enemy’s death wish. Jesus rose from the dead. This defeat of death ushered in the greatest transformation mankind would ever know, death to life. There is nothing casual about this, there was nothing comfortable about the cross of Jesus Christ. Where does your loyalty to God lie, on the surface, or does it run deep within your heart, as a commitment that is never described as casual. Are you living life as God’s sacrifice, where the power of God falls down upon you, or are you lighting your own fire where the fire you kindled flies up and flames out, leaving everyone in darkness? We take on the name of Jesus, we run deep with His truth, in vital-vertical relationship with God and experience the supernatural power of God upon our lives. God’s power ruptures the confines of the natural, it is supernatural Christianity, that presses beyond traditional beliefs into the reality of truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Are you ready to leave behind casual Christianity and go all in with God? Are you with me? All In? Religiosity is all about being a Christian in an exclusive comfort zone, and is a life without a living legacy, a life without the fire and power of GOD, a life that changes nothing. Renew your relationship with God. Ask Him: “How can I love you more? How can I love you better?” Lord give us an undivided heart that erases the casual in our Christianity and gives you total access to our lives. Dig Deeper:

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