WW2 color footage Panzer III. Panzerkampfwagen 3.

3 years ago

Footage is all AI colorized by computers and actual color footage was extremely rare in 1940-45.

The Panzerkampfwagen III was a German tank that was used in WW2,
development started in 1936 and in 1937 a few Ausf. A tanks came off the assembly line and after several tests, production started in 1939 for the Ausf. F.
The Panzer III was originally designed to fight other tanks and support the Panzer IV which was originally designed for infantry support.

But when the Germans faced the T-34 and the Panzer IV had more upgrade potential at that time and the roles of the two tanks were swapped.

But the Panzer III body still proofed to be useful for other designs, like the Flammepanzer III, Panzerbefehlswagen, Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B, and even due the Panzer III was pushed aside for the Panzer IV, it hull was used the produce one of the successful tank destroyers the Germans produced, the StuG III.

The Ausf D was a prototype version and some saw action in Poland and Norway and you can see one at 0:06 this tank was extremely rare and approximately 25 were produced.
The Ausf. E was the fifth version of the Panzer III which had a redesigned suspension, with six larger roadwheels and 30 mm of armour all-round.
The Ausf. F was a improved Ausf. E and was the first Panzer 3 to be mass produced, the late production would be armed with 5 cm KwK 38 L/42 main gun.

Several versions would follow like the Ausf G and M and a total of 5,774 would be build after the production was stopped in 1943. Even due the production stopped the Panzer 3 would be used until the end of the war and saw service on all fronts.

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â–  Information obtained from several sites.
â–  Wikipedia
â–  tanks-encyclopedia
â–  the.shadock.free.fr/Surviving_Panzers
â–  preservedtanks
â–  pantser.net
â–  the.shadock.free.fr/Tanks_in_France

â–  Some music is from the YouTube Audio Library.

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