Dramatic moment hero passer-by leaps into action to rescue elderly man from burning house

2 years ago

A hero passer-by leapt into action when he saw a man's porch was ablaze - and captured the entire ordeal on film.

Ross Stallion, 45, spotted black smoke pouring from a house in Bournemouth as he drove past last week (22/3).

Worried, he pulled over and peered over the fence where he saw a man watching the flames engulf his home, and politely said: "Your house is definitely on fire - can I help you?".

Ross, a magazine owner, scaled the six-foot fence and grabbed a washing up bowl from the man's kitchen to douse the flames before tackling it with a garden hose.

And he filmed the whole incident - which caused serious damage to the home.

Ross, from Bournemouth, dubs himself 'Fireman Sam' at one point in the dramatic video, which runs for around 90 seconds.

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