DEALING WITH OFFENSE - How to Not be Offended - Daily Devotional - Little Big Things

2 years ago

Dealing with offense is one of the hardest things to do in our Christian walk. When we learn how to not be offended, we can live in true JOY!
To defeat Satan’s lies with God’s solutions ➡

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The last time you were wronged by someone, did you hear a consistently LOUD voice remind you? Did the voice say something like, “You’ve been wronged – don’t forget it” or “It’s time to stand on principle.”

I think Satan plays us when he tells us to know our rights or to demand an apology. The end result is broken relationships and sometimes lifetimes of lost love. Unfortunately, many people go to their graves saying, “I was right,” instead of saying “I want to be right with you.”

Satan twists things and cleverly deceives us to believe we are fighting over who is right when in reality, we are usually fighting about who is not wrong. Just think about your last argument – did it have any of these defensive words, “I never said…” or “I wouldn’t have…”

We get so busy defending ourselves as we raise our voices or silently shout, “I didn’t do anything wrong!” With this mindset, our conversations rarely move toward a solution that would involve higher and better thinking.

The other voice we can listen to is the voice of the Father of love. It is a gentle voice that says, “I love you and see the best in you.” God’s voice also says, “I love the other person too.”

When we listen to God’s voice, we don’t have to be filled with our own pride or righteousness because God already thinks we are great – even better than all his other creations! Gen1:31

Knowing this allows us to swallow our little wave of pride because God’s pride in us as big as a Tsunami wave. Now we have the freedom to focus on being in right relationship instead of being right! It allows us to say, “I want to understand your point of view” or “I value my relationship with you!” or “I’m sorry.”

Friends, if you want more pragmatic ways to live an abundant life, I’d like to offer a free excerpt from our founder, Mark Arens, new book, “Confronting the Liar.” In it you’ll see how Satan twists and shouts as he tries to convince you of his lies. But Jesus has already won the victory and he wants to see you in the winner’s circle!

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