316: Will Smith’s The Slappening, LPDE Recaps, & My Big Dumb Speech w. Dave Casey & Adam Nutter

2 years ago

Dan Smotz is joined by Dave Casey and Adam Nutter to watch the world burn, while laughing their way thru all the most important articles in the news… and a whole lot of unimportant ones as well.

On the Docket:
* Will Smith’s Oscars assault on Chris Rock
* Contagious vaccines
* “Back” to the MOON
* LP doxing
* LPDE Con recaps
* My big dumb speech
* and more

Guest & Sponsor Links:

Dave vs Goliath: Idk any more… google it

Adam Nutter: https://twitter.com/adamnutter

WVW / Jack Casey Books: Https://jackcaseybooks.com

Matt Miller's Liberty Portraits: https://libertyportraits.com

Brave Botanicals (Kratom / Delta 8 THC) :https://mybravebotanicals.com
Promo Code: TSID

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